How often to clean a 6100?


RC Staff
Staff member
Mine have been in my tank for 3 months now. They are good and purple with corraline. How often should I clean them? Any special cleaning processes you recommend?

Thanks Roger.

I would clean them every 3 months but it depends alot on conditions. If you run reasonable levels of clacium and alkalinity like 380-420ppm and 8-12dKh you could go longer, if you have spikes periodically, run higher or use two part supplements which tend to form alot of precipitate I would do it more often. The surface growth isnt an issue. Clean the face housing, the drive unit and the magnet well using warm water, vinegar and a small brush to remove any obvious gunk or lime deposits or growths which are impeding the intake. NEVER USE A STRONG ACID- it will ruin the plastic by forming hydrogen bonds and making it swell, you cannot notice it but the tolerances are thrown off enough to cause trouble.