How successful are LEDS with SPS ?

They all grow coral and they all have their pro's and con's. If I were you I'd do a ton of research before making any decision.
I have read that many have had more trouble with LEDs and Acros and that it is more difficult in getting them to grow quickly and with rich color... not saying its impossible, but the there seems to be more success with MH and T5. (me included). There is also the issue with shadowing and the amount of LEDs needed to get good coverage.

That being said. for softies, LPS and non-acro SPS, the LEDs do well.
I have black boxes over my 360 and they grow acros like weeds. Like said above, do you research. Not all LED's are the same....
I have read that many have had more trouble with LEDs and Acros and that it is more difficult in getting them to grow quickly and with rich color... not saying its impossible, but the there seems to be more success with MH and T5. (me included). There is also the issue with shadowing and the amount of LEDs needed to get good coverage.

That being said. for softies, LPS and non-acro SPS, the LEDs do well.

The problem with most LED fixtures is the ability to mess around with spectrum. If you can resist changing things constantly and leave well enough alone I think LED's would get a better rap.
The only actual problem with the fixtures is the coverage issues. The other issues are operating based, mostly due to lack of good information and experience. With all the variables it is hard to dial them in when many different combinations work. My experience has been positive so far. SPS grow well for me under LED.

Dig around and see what can be done. If a person clames success make them show you a picture. I know. Where is mine, check my thread in my sig. I got 2 years of quarterly photos and all kind of information there.

In the end all the light systems get the job done. You need to get to know the pros and cons to work them. Mh and T-5 are a little easier since they have been around much longer, have fewer variable, uniformity across manufacturers and a bigger user base.
The problem with most LED fixtures is the ability to mess around with spectrum. If you can resist changing things constantly and leave well enough alone I think LED's would get a better rap.

Very true. Any major change and the corals need to adapt. That can take weeks or months. If you change all the time you never get past the corals adapting.
so i am debating on getting the Aurora LED T5 Hybrid Fixture - Giesemann. I feel like a combination of T5 and LED is the best combo for light spread and intensity. Does anyone have this light fixture and can give me advice,opinions on it?
so i am debating on getting the Aurora LED T5 Hybrid Fixture - Giesemann. I feel like a combination of T5 and LED is the best combo for light spread and intensity. Does anyone have this light fixture and can give me advice,opinions on it?

I run radion with t5 supplement, sps zeovit reef, they work well together. I have never tried led only, just cant live with the shading. I have however used mh only and am sure there was shading , but never really noticed lol, in all cases whatever you choose will work, ime t5 supplement is a huge factor for success with any led good luck. zsu
That being said. for softies, LPS and non-acro SPS, the LEDs do well.

This has been my experience. Many maricultured acros that are then acclimated under MH do not do well under LED-only (Radions) for me. They tend to suffer large color shifts and/or RTN. Many of these same colonies, when fragged, do well under T5HO.

That said, there are a fair number of folks that run LED only and do quite well with aquacultured acro frags.

The one aspect about this that you should consider is that a PAR meter is pretty much required for LED-only (whether you borrow it to set up the lights or buy one). You simply cannot judge intensity by eye.
All the coral in my tank have been grown exclusively with LEDs.

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LED only:

As per my other comments on this topic, the main causes of LEDs not beating T5 and MH hands down in terms of growth are (a) the absurd trend for modern LED fixtures to have more colors than an American DJ disco light the majority of which don't contribute to growth and (b) the majority of LED lights having optics to artificially boost PAR numbers, and optics cause shadowing and other problems. Do you put a 3' fresnel lens over your 250watt MH? No? Then lets please compare apples to apples.

PAR = PAR regardless of light source, and PUR = PUR regardless of light source if you are photosynthetic organism. Eliminate collimating optics and all the stupid, superfluous colors from 'high end' LEDs lights, and pointless UVA being one of them, then LED is the best light source.

The best SPS tanks I've seen first hand the past 3-4 years have all been LED, and most are running black boxes, which I think is kind of funny.
Most of the new builds today are LED, it's easy to see that LEDs do work.

If one is referring to the overall number of new tanks, that's likely true. If one is discussing tanks intended for primarily SPS, I have my doubts. Simply looking through this forum suggests that an awful lot of new tanks are going T5HO/LED combos.
If one is referring to the overall number of new tanks, that's likely true. If one is discussing tanks intended for primarily SPS, I have my doubts. Simply looking through this forum suggests that an awful lot of new tanks are going T5HO/LED combos.

I second that. I started LED only and have added T5 supplements to fill in the shadows. The face of the coral pointed at the LED has great colour, the backside looks deathly. I never had that problem with T5. So i choose to use the best power saving option and colour pop of LEDS with a few hours of T5 to fill the tank full of light and keep the undersides etc from being shaded.
I am testing out T5HO supplements to my leds as well due to the shading is sure but would really like to see if the ap700 is really fixing the shading issue that it claims.

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