Darin Schmidt
ok. you ready to shell out big $$ for larger clams?
what are your lights that you plan on using?
drip acclimation, burp clams.
moderate flow and not directly on the clam.
check for pyr snails and any other pests, before any purchase. list water params.
Yes i am, i have the money to do so. I plan on using either LED like i built on my current tank or i might use some PC lights. Not sure yet, i havent looked into other lights yet aside from my LEDs since there is still plenty of time. I know how to drip acclimate so we can check that off the list. I have read about burping and done it on my small clams and it went rather well as described in one of the forums on here. I dont like to get LFS water in my tank so the only time it was out of water was wen i put it in my tank. I checked the ones i have for snails and anything else i could visibly see and looked rather clean and all the other clams in the area looked clean as well.
I am keeping moderate flow (the mantal isnt blowing around, not even causing it to flutter).
I did a water quality check just yesterday:
I have a Mg and PO4 test kit on the way as the 3 closest LFS's didnt have any. I guess they are more into just selling stuff than you actually taking care of them.
Alk: 13.1
Calc: 430
NO2: 0
NH3/NH4: 0
PH: 8.2
NO3: 0-5 (color looked really close to both)