unfortunately, the solution is the problem in this case.
you are not talking about breeding livestock as you say. that's the apple/orange comparison. mine to nuclear fusion is much more accurate a comparison.
you are talking about a process that is way beyond the capabilities that home aquarists have, yourself included.
as before, keep a clam alive a year while you do serious research, then attempt whatever you choose to. but claiming that raising clams can be done with your level of experience of a week of keeping 2 alive is just typing letters on a keyboard.
i'm trying to keep your clams alive.
you already wanted to take them out to stress them with heat, #1 indication of what you do not know.
you contradict people who have done it successfully, #2
you disregard minh's opinions #3
you did not even know which type of clam you have #4
the issue/problem is not my negativity, but your own insistence that it can be done
Instead of arguing with you about how i know that it can be done, and am willing to test it out. Science prevails and allows us to do things we couldnt imagine, like keeping fish happy in a tank.
But i couldnt find Mihns post about his opinions so if you could find them for me i'll reread them. I dont recall seeing it, nor am i able to locate it. I'll look again.
But anyway, here is where i see the problem:
"the issue/problem is not my negativity, but your own insistence that it can be done"
You just assume that it cannot be done by any hobbyist, and that we are all apparently "dumb". But thats ok, i can take the criticism.
I'm going to use your negativity in a positive way. So, what issues do you see with doing it at home. Space? Water quality, time, etc?
You mentioned about how much junk these creatured can secrete. I think i mentioned before that i have witnessed how much a species can secrete, a couple times actualy. My long spine urchin just did this a week ago. Clouded the crap out of my 300g plywood tank, that i built myself. My ATS cleaned it up pretty well, water was crystal clear again the next day and did my water quality tests, nothing changed.
So with the secretion, there is a solution that i see. The eggs have to be fertilized within 15min or they are useless. So lets say, when the reproduction begins, you put the clam in a 5gal bucket. When the eggs are released, you hurry and put it in another 5gal bucket.
That should take care of ruining your tank and polyspermia for the time being.
We will move onto the other steps once we have ironed out this much of the process.
fish_dave gave some constructive insite to the breeding of my Derasa clams. they use 10" but possibly could use 6". 10" Derasa clams here are 299 each.... Once we get something established (a method of possibility), i'll go buy a couple.