Darin Schmidt
O have a 300g tank so I think I will be ok. I hope. I seen the other day how much sperm my urchin can put out. Sure did cloud the tank up. But my ATS will clean it.
Great thought, but it is not going to happen in your tank, or home setup.
You would need access to open water, and tons of money to get started. So your $80 figure would be more like $800.
There is someone here who has got them to spawn through injecting them, but has not had any success at raisng them.
This practice is best left to commercial farmers, in the tropics.
Believe me, I wish I could have successfully bred some of the clams I have seen.
Yes there are male and female clams.
By the way, if you can breed them, you can quit high school.
I have spawned and raised Tridacna clams in the late 1990's. It will be very difficult to impossible for a hobbyist to do it in a landlocked house. As for getting Derasa to spawn we used 10 to 12 inch clams. In theory it should be possible at 6 inches but the stress would generally kill a 6 inch derasa and the eggs from a 6 incher would not be very viable in my opinion. I will attach a few photos of some breeder derasa clams. Crocea will spawn consistently at 4 inches and can supply good sperm at 3 inches however they are much more difficult to raise.