How to DIY an AC 70 fuge

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11643625#post11643625 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bpoore89
That fish place runs an aquapod 12 with this very mod. They just swap out the impeller with one from one of the much small ac filters. The flow through the filter is only a trickle

so bing a noob(sorry)thats what you want just a trickle not a heavy flow?Soooo no matter what size tank using the ac12 impeller would be a good idea?Sorry for the nub questions but i'm tieing all my loose ends up here and i dont want to do any trial an ERROR.hehe if ya know what i mean! thanks
Chuck-e, I am doing the AC110 tonight and tomorrow. I just cut 3 out of the 6 blades and still have pretty decent flow. And yes, you could make plenty of room for a LARGE heater against the back wall. I will post pics when I am done.
I just read thru this whole DIY thread. One thing that really stood out to me.
People are talking about swapping the impeller for a smaller one, or hacking the existing impeller to pieces.

Go back to the first page, take a look at Sugar's second post in this thread. Pay attention to the second picture.
See that tab in the flow adjustment plate that the intake tube sits in?
Remove it.
This allows the intake tube to be moved that much further to the right, thus decreasing the flow.

Such a simple mod and no need to hack up a impeller.

I havent done the AC 'fuge mod but it is a option that I am considering.
I have a AC70 on my 29gFW tank and I did the mod I mentioned to it. I really decreased the flow (which is nice for feeding time).
Also with that extra play in flow adjustment, its much easier to get all the air out from the intake tube. Just quickly slide it back and forth a few times.
This is an excellent idea! I'll be using my extra AC 70 I have for the new tank I'll be setting up. I'm very inspired! Thanks!
I'm thinking about making one of these with a AC i Have lying around. Is it really necessary to put the plexi in there? why would you want to slow the flow down?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14259950#post14259950 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ngn8dogg
I'm thinking about making one of these with a AC i Have lying around. Is it really necessary to put the plexi in there? why would you want to slow the flow down?
I think the idea behind the plexi is to keep the pump output from blasting directly into the refugium area, thereby allowing some dwell time for the water to be filtered and an area of low flow as a refuge for more delicate creatures like sponges. It also gives an area to stick some filter floss for mechanical filtration.

That said, I skipped the plexi baffle and didn't notice any ill effects when I had mine set up. There were still plenty of calm areas around the rubble and lots of pineapple sponges growing. I cut a piece of filter floss and put it against the grid on the return/outflow section when needed for mechanical filtration.
Sorry to drag this back out of the archives yet again.


1. How does everyone light their AC fuge? Reverse lighting, full time or just use the aquarium light? What typeof light do most use (wattage)?

2. What have people found to be a good way of slowing the flow down on the AC 110?

3. If putting baffles into the filter, how does the water flow through this filter? Does it go from the bottom to the top or reverse of that?

I plan on modding a 110 for a minibow 7 next week and I shall post photos of the fuge build.

Cheers and thanks for the help.

I finished off the AC110 build and decided to go with a reverse lighting schedule.
Put 2 pounds of LR in along with about 1.5" sandbed into the fuge area.
when i modded fuges in my 12g tanks, i left the light on 24/7, and every month or so got rid of 3/4 the chaeto. worked well for me, occasionally i would just manually turn it off
2. What have people found to be a good way of slowing the flow down on the AC 110?

Impellers from some of the smaller ACs are interchangeable with the AC 110. Check some of the earlier posts in this thread.

Also some people have cut off/back every other impeller (3 of 6). Problem with this is if it's out of balance it'll wear out the pump faster.
The way that I slowed the flow down enough is to take out the black circular device that blocks part of the impeller so that way you can move the intake over just that much farther.

Also put two baffles in and then I also added a baffle to the output with teeth not only to divert the flow but also to keep the macro algae in the fuge.



<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14897156#post14897156 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Agu
Impellers from some of the smaller ACs are interchangeable with the AC 110. Check some of the earlier posts in this thread.

Also some people have cut off/back every other impeller (3 of 6). Problem with this is if it's out of balance it'll wear out the pump faster.

Also forgot to mention that the impeller for the AC110 is not interchangable with any other model of Aqua Clear (I tried).

And if you do decide to cut blades or shorten blade length on the impeller I personally would have a spare handy just in case it is off balance after modding it.
