how to kill unwanted zoa's?

kalk paste into the mouth will get rid those ugle button polyps

Some button polyps can be pulled off the rock with a pair of tweezers
Trade the whole rock for something else with someone. Maybe a new rock and a coral!?!?
Sometimes people doesn't like to start the tank with empty spaces.
I woudn't kill them.
Even if I would give the whole rock away with the Leather!

I am running into the same problem with these...

I started with 3 bleached out palys, just to see what they would be, and now they are out of control. I tried to give them away locally and no one wants them, all I can think to do now is destroy them.

Those would be the culprits!!
Pics are blocked for me at work, but I bet that I have got the same thing. Some faily unattractive mild brown/mocha/tan/blah colored polyps that seem to have doubled in size in the last month. I have about 10 colonies of the damn things. I soon plan to have none. I'll probably start whittling away the live rocks one at a time to hack off the chunks with them on it. I got them with some live rocks from a local guy. Came with some free mojano anemones too....
I have green palys that are growing like a weed. They came is as one single polyp hitchhiker and now there are hundreds and they are on the bottom of my rockwork. Tried kalpaste and they just come back. I know how you feel, very frustrating, its not as easy to just "frag them". they always come back. Will end up breaking down the rock eventaully to get them out.
I pluck mine with a pair of hemostats......I have the same ones pictured, they are definatelyt a PIA. What I've noticed with mine is that they will actually fuse stems with other zoas/palys making them almost impossible to remove via plucking because you will then damage your other zoas/palys, I pluck what I can where I can & just try to keep them in check......
Yep, those were the guys that I am dealing with. I suited up in gloves, saftey glasses, and put down paper on the table. I used a disposable plastic tub (from some salad) and put paper towel in it. I lifted a rock out, and pulled those MF'ers off with some hemostats. I did get a squirt in the face, but luckily they didn't get me in the eye because of the glasses. I cleaned off 4 rocks and will una$$ the other groups soon. Some fall apart, some peel off intact. It seems easier to deal with them when they are submerged. Two of the four rocks I did underwater in my display tank. Hope it doesn't end up bothering anything.

Washed my hand and gloves, tossed the plastic and paper towels. Didn't even get poisoned this time.
I need to kill these mférs under water. I dont have a "rock wall". I have 3 seperate islands!!


and this is why i dont want to give them away to other people. I made a frag of them and they are taking over my frag rack. Which wouldn't be that bad if I had a magnetic frag rack, but mine is siliconed in place.

An earlier time, I was digging around in my aquarium (not literally) killing some majano anemones by scraping them off with a credit card. When I was done, I washed up and then went to eat lunch. I put some potato chips in my mouth, and then asked my wife " Hey why did you put lemon juice on these chips ??"

She said "Huh ? I didn't ! Why would I ?"

Everything that I ate tasted terrible, like lemon juice. I took a benadryl and just watched myself. Nothing more happened. I figured that I got slightly poisoned by something in there. Probably these dang palythoas.

I posted giving them away for free, but I think that I will just toss them instead. They'll make a problem for someone else too, I am sure. I'd not seen much about them being a problem, outside this thread. I have a small tank (34 gal ) and I cannot dedicate any space to stuff I don't like.
Slayed the last clump fo them tonight. Well, the last clump that I know of. There were a couple fo them standing proud on a rock that I had already "cleaned" and they got munched. Tank kind of looks bare without them, but I plan to fill it with colorful stuff instead.
funny, i nuked 20-30 heads of the same (in the pic) palys last night. they were on a rock with some "wild" (came on liverock) zoas. there were two types of wild zoa, one livid green with orange skirt, and one orange with green skirt. (both started as tiny, tiny polyps) luckily the palys were far enough away to break the rock (with a breaker bar)
the palys are now in my garden, the zoas are back in the tank, on much smaller rocks!
Yeah sell them or give them away the problem that you have at the moment someone would love to have ANYTIME .

kalk paste a couple polyps at a time.

Or you can, get a sundial ( super glued to a line or some sort of rod ) to place him to the specific polyps you want killed. having him tethered keeps a watch on him or know where it's at. when done you can remove him out of the tank.