How to prepare for window and A/C changes. (ft laud airport related)

At my place we got a complete new ac system a couple yes ago, only power that was off was to the a/c unit. Had widnows done, took 2 days for 24 windows pwoer was never interrupted. Had insulation put in the crawl space and the power was never touched.

Unless they are doing the HVAC and the windows on the same day i dont think there will be an issue. When i did the a/c i truned the lights off in my old 90g and aimed a fan at the surface. Temp increased by 1 degree. When the wimdows were done there was no issue at all.
Ok. So there's been some updates. Windows and doors are taking one day. It's the first day. Ac will probably be out 2-4 days. And there will be about a half of a day where we have no power since they're upgrading out breaker panel.

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Are you close to your neighbour where you can run an extension cord? I did that during Wilma and Katrina when my neighbours had power but I didn't. Also if you are worried about temp while your AC is going to be out, I went to walmart and bought a window unit and returned it the next week. When i had my windows replaced in my old apt, I closed off the room with my aquarium so the temp didn't go up while they were changing out the other windows. I also did like everyone else said. Turned off the lights for the day and put an extra fan on the tank and everything was fine.
I had all doors, windows, ac and breaker panel replaced in our home with 2 tabks a 180 and a 60g at the time.
Ac took 6 hours. Tanks didnt mind veing without ac for that time.
Breaker panel was another story. Started at 8am, had the company supply a generator to run the tank.
Then fpl came out and cut power. 4 oclock rolls around and hes still working on replcing breaker panel and fpl hasnt shown up to do inspection (fpl needs to inspect panel to restore power) they stop inspectuons at 5. Apparently the electric company doing the work didnt call for an inspection.
I frantically called fpl repeatedly to get power restored. Finally 9 or 10pm on call service came out and restored power.

Tanks were fine with no ac and were ran off just the generator.
No chillers

Doors and windows took 2 day. 11 windows 3 doors. Took 2 days. Doors one day window next. Probably all could of been done in 1 day if multiple people worked. This was 2 guys (main guy and a helper) again no worries with the tanks and i ran ac while they had windows out. They only removed 1 window or 1 door at a time. Ac leaked out but house was still cool
How did this work out!

We're in the middle of it. Windows and doors were the easy part. It was all done in a day and I shut down my lights for that day. Everything was just fine.

There will be 2-4 days with no A/c because they're redoing the ac ducts and moving the handler. I borrowed a chiller from a co-worker.

Then, at some point there will be no power for half a day.

They're not being very helpful about communication. No one seems to know when anything is happening.

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