Joke aside, I think Republicans and Democrats have low and high points, What really bothers me about our current president is the continued prove to double standards he has, his entire term has been focus in one thing, according to him "protect the Americans" according to the facts protect his own assets no matter what.
Great example is the situation we are going in to now with Venezuela and the Iranian long range missiles, Now, that is scarry crap! But we are not doing anything about that, Do you know why?
Could it be that although Chavez has call our president the "devil" he has allowed and renewed the contract with American owned and Venezuela's second biggest oil company, CHEVRON!
Please take a guess who owns CHEVRON..........BUSH!
These are just two interesting articles, how do you defend this?
Another example that really bother's me is Bush position on Global Warming, "it is just hot air" now why do you think he will take this ignorant position again the answer is in all his personal interest in the oil business. Can you imagine how much his industry will suffer if 99% of cars were hybrids or electrical?