how to...


New member
i have a spare 3gal glass tank and was wondering how 2 make it into a small QT?

what do i need filters etc:
can i take the water straight from my tank?
will the tank need 2 cycle?

please reply asap:)

thx a bunch.
well a 3 gal tank isn't very big so don't plan on qt any good size fish as for setting it up just get a heater, filter and yes you can use just tank water then you won't have to cycle it. some ppl use a sponge filter that they let sit in the main tank's sump and then use that for a bio filter. also a few pvc pipes will help but won't leave much room left in that small of a tank i would suggest getting a 10 gal. they are cheap.
I also agree, a 3 gallon wont even be worth setting up as a quarantine tank. It is way to small, and if one little thing goes out of wack with that tanks water chemistry by the time you find out everything could already be dead.