How will the new CA mandates affect reefers in the state?

meanwhile in east TX...


Took me an extra hour to get to work. 6 inches of rain in 4 hours. :mad2:
meanwhile in east TX...

Took me an extra hour to get to work. 6 inches of rain in 4 hours. :mad2:

Here in OKC we had a Flash Flood Emergency.

Tornadoes, OK
Blizzards, OK
Ice Storm, OK
Thunderstorm, OK
Drought, OK
Wildfires, OK
Earthquakes, still getting used to it, but OK
Flash Flood Emergency ?!?!?!?!, WTH do I do with this. I can't hide underground from the tornado cause I'll drown in my storm shelter.
Lake Oroville

Lake Oroville

Indymann, I moved from the East Bay 20+ years ago too and I thought we had droughts back then....I was in the Oroville area for a wedding this past fall and driving past the reservoirs was pretty scary.

I was there back in the 90's prior to the " Month of March", the only water touching the dam was a stream. The drought then was war very severe, we do a better job now with storage and ground water but need to do much more. Funny the doom sayers are saying that a strong EL Nino won't help but three weeks after the "MMoM" water was almost going over the dams.
Just wondering how will reefing businesses and hobby be affected in CA due to the drought?

Not at all.

Not much water is used for these tanks in the over all picture.

Average household goes through 100GPD per person.

My 300G total volume tank goes through 20g a week for top off, and I don't do a lot of water changes.

Even of I did 100G a week, its still well within the standard usage.