HQ Aquarium 75 Gallon Build

If I were redoing my system over I would be changing a lot of things as well. I would go from the main tank to the refugium, Then run through the sock or a filter to the Skimmer chamber and finally to the sump for returning the water. But when trying to put everything under the main tank this is nearly impossible to do because of space.
Very nice tank, and great documentation!

I'm starting my own build, 90 gal, with internal bean overflow and coast to coast. I have three questions for you.

1) what is the hole diameter for the bean overflow, siphon, emergency and overflow?
2) why did you decide on two returns? And do they flow through the weir?

Thanks, Robert
Ever find out what the par readings were?

Yes sir. From what I remember running the LEDs at around 50% had the PAR readings around 350 in the middle to top of the tank. I've since been able to adjust the % of blues/whites/moons/t5's to get everything to react as best as possible.

Whites 40%
Moon+UV's 35%
Blues 55%
T5's 85%

I've also started running simulated clouds via the apex controller during the day turning everything down to their lowest possible setting before turning off.

OSC 000:00/017:00/103:00 Then ON
If Time 19:00 to 10:30 Then OFF
Latest FTS

Broke down the tank in to a dozen rubbermaid bins, pulled the overflows apart, cut the return and moved everything 100+ miles to it's new home over a 24 hour period. Managed to clean the sand, wash the tank and sump. Removed most all unnecessary base rock and thinned out the sandbed a bit. Only lost a few fish and a few corals but an very happy with the move. It could have gone way worse!! BIG UP to Matt for making it possible and supporting me through it. I almost lost it a few times. :mixed:

