Huge tank loss


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I just thought that everyone should know that RC lost one of the most beautiful tanks ever presented on its pages..

Hugo SniperSPS lost his 300 gallon reef tank this week because of rolling blackouts here is Southern California

Below is the thread that Hugo started in the SoCal forum.. i hope you can stop by to leave him a msg...


the thread
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a couple of days... we really got with with bad rolling black-outs... some 20,000 people still dont have power...

ita all on the link to Hugo's thread...
That is a bummer!

Don't you love the way environ"mentals" have prevented power plants being built in Cali! I used to live in Vegas and when Cali had their usual rolling black outs in the summer, our electric bills went through the roof. So. Cali gets most of their power via the Hoover Dam.

Don't you just love PETA and other idiot groups!!!
I am sorry to hear about his loss. How can you still have rolling blackout and Enron isn't in control anymore?
Man, that is a bummer. If a person is in Cali with a tank, you may want to invest in a gas generator for backup power. Then the environmentals will complain about the emissions.
omg this is so sad. I was fortunate enough to find a used fork lift battery. I ran my tank on it for 5 days with 2 halides on, but no close loop. Took 3 days to recharge it. I can also so charge it off my suv if needed via large inverter. I also have a series of UPS's under the tank. I am offering some frags if he wants to keep in the hobby. I hope others will cough up some frags for him.
yeah i bought a gas generator, just for this purpose. its some of the best insurance you can buy for a tank. sorry about the loss. gorgeous tank.
Very sorry for your losses. 2 days? wow, you think that there would be some legistlation in place to prevent such disaterous long term backouts... Do you have plans on rebuilding the reef? I cant imagine the costs to replace all your livestock. With problems like that it might not be a bad idea to install a builtin generator and have all 'essential' power hooked up to the generator.
Man that's bull schidt. It does not sound to me as though their disclaimer covers this incident. Given the fact that it will take years to rebuild that system even if you did get fully reimbursed, I imagine your next investment will be a generator. If not for the whole house than at least one large enough for the tank.
I would hope that your local reefers would help take care of you in terms of restocking. With a system like that I'm sure you've given away a lot of frags. There's gotta be DNA of most of those corals floating around the Bay Area???
Im suprised with such a nice tank he didn't have a backup Generator.. Oh well live and learn I guess. That really does suck. Maybe atleast this will be a lesson to others.. Buy Generators!!! You man never use it but man if you need it and dont have it :eek2:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7824286#post7824286 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by 8BALL_99
Im suprised with such a nice tank he didn't have a backup Generator..

That says it all...
Sorry to see that. That’s why I have a Generator when Katrina hit Biloxi I was with out power for 4 1/2 weeks it was about $200 a week for gas but I was comfortable and my tank made it. BTW those little air pump that are Battery operated saved me, they were only $10 and they worked great for 12 hours.
First thing I did was buy a whole house generator when I got my tank. I figured one crash would be more expensive than the generator so it was a wise investment. Sorry to hear about the loss though.
Man that is really depressing. I saw his TOM spread when I firsrt started on this site and was in awe. In fact his setup really openned my eyes to the possibilities of this hobby. I lost a dog of 15 years last weekend and I can imagine his sense of loss is even greater. I am truly sorry for him and his family.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7829505#post7829505 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by RickD1
Sorry to see that. That’s why I have a Generator when Katrina hit Biloxi I was with out power for 4 1/2 weeks it was about $200 a week for gas but I was comfortable and my tank made it. BTW those little air pump that are Battery operated saved me, they were only $10 and they worked great for 12 hours.

Mine has run a total of 20 hours now in two power outages on one set of batteries - I have a spare set on hand, but also run my main return pump off a power inverter in my truck during outages, when I can be here.
So sorry to hear about his loss.

I don't know the full picture as to exactly why his tank couldn't be saved. He did use a generator later on. By that time he fired it up, he already lost all his fishes (40 in all). He did call the power company right when the power went out and they said it would go back up in a few hours. It lasted 48 hrs. He should have at least pumped bubbles into the tank after 1 hr and have essential water flow in 3hrs, IMO.

Let this be a lesson. If you have a power generator/UPS in hand, use it soon! If not, get one. Depending on the tank's needs, I guess the cheapest solution is battery powered air pump or for eg., 400W inverter and hook it up to your car. Just keep an eye on your car if you need to start the engine. Insurance won't cover it if it gets stolen. :-)