Huge worm found


New member
Tonight while checking my tank with a flashlight I happened on a large black and red worm hanging out on my soli, must be 5 -6 inches long and fast as lightning, Ill never catch him. Will he cause any harm? Tis thing was down right scary looking
Probably a bristleworm. Did it have pale spines at the sides? If so, they're beneficial.
Ive seen bristle worms before, unless this was the grandaddy of bristles I dont know what it was way to quick for me to get a good look, black in color with some red specks is all I saw
Might be a eunice.

Here is one i found in my tank last year. It was between 3-4 feet long and about 1 1/2" thick.

OK thats it I am the next 2 nights in a row hoping nothing like that pop's out in my tank.