Also playing a part in my decision to pursue MH again is seeing a few friends tanks in person over the last few weeks. Every time I see the shimmer I just want it, heh.
As far as 150(175)w vs. 250w...I think the 250w will really give me the extra punch necessary to see better growth from SPS and be able to keep clams growing and healthy on the sandbed. I know that a lot of people would say that it isn't necessary and I might be liable to partially agree.
There seem to be two big negatives with a higher wattage bulb setup, 1. More heat and 2. More power consumption. I am not really worried about heat all the much since the tank will be uncovered and it is in the basement, which is inherently cooler than the rest of the house. Then I look at power consumption and wonder how much of a difference I'd be looking at to run 150(175)w over 250w. I guess I'm not really sure but I would definitely be interested to hear from someone that has ran both and compared their energy bills. If the difference isn't all that much more, I can't see it being worth downsizing. On the flipside, if a nice lower wattage MH/T5 fixture were to come along locally for a good price, it would be hard to past it up.
Off-topic...110galreef, I recall you selling some LR awhile back on TRAC, do you still have any of that around? Drop me a PM.