Humboldt Squid

coral diver

Old & Wise
Preditory Humboldt Squid invading California cost and a few San Diego sportfishing boat came back to port with a couple of 5 footer squid be carefull CA divers specialy night diving their known to attack diver check with AP news
A Discovery program seemed to indicate aggression with the Humboldts is vastly more apt to occur if there is squid-fishing going on. But I wouldn't go in with them!
was it squid or octopi that if your attacked you should change your depth, one of the animals hate pressure change and will letgo...
Hmmmm. I am about to go diving north of San Diego this Sunday. I hope it is not a serious problem. I am confident in my diving but a 5 footer is almost my body is not a night dive but an early morning dive and we wil be diving al day....