Humidity - How big is too big?


New member
What size tanks are people running where humidity control becomes a neccesity?
I am thinking of a 400 gallon display.
What size tanks have people had where humidity becomes an issue?
I live in Southern California in fairly moderate weather area. Few miles inland from the beach.

Input appreciated :)
I had multiple tanks in my living room totaling somewhere around 800 gallons and I never used anything besides a fan in the window.

I'm in NW washington state though.. and we don't see much over 80 in the summer.
I dont even have my tank up yet, just the 120g sump and some frag tanks in the basement. Im already starting to get sweat on stuff down there. its evaporating about 2 gallons a day so far. Dehumidifier comming VERY SOON.

I wanted to get an air exchanger(way to expensive for me right now), then I wanted to get an exhaust fan on a humidistat(still more then I can spend right now)

So craigslist dehumidifier(or two) here I come.
I like your post Ender.
What are some of the humidity solutions people are doing on tanks of 250Gallons?
350 Gallons?
450+ Gallons?
When my 450 was up. It had its own room with a viewing window cut . I exhausted out with a window mounted fan. It kept the fish room at a negative pressure vs. the house to keep the humidity in that room only. I also have an air exchainger installed for the rest of the house.
My tank is about 320G. When I get nights about 40F outside I get heaps of condesation on my back french doors. I will be installing a Auto shuttered fan in the wall and I may eventually hook up a humidity sensor to my Profilux to trigger it.
Actually, I have a little bathroom vent fan mounted in my fishroom (around 900 gallons + 350 or so in storage tanks so far) and it keeps the humidity quite bearable. It's a little more humid in there than the basement room next to it, but not that much. Heat, though, is an issue. I have a cooling unit just for that room. It doesn't suck air from in there, so the vent fan is the only humidity control.

Over the display with all the metal halides is another story. I've never noticed any humidity issues but heat control is an issue. I have two vent fans in there plus another fan to blow air across the water surface for heat.