hurricane preparedness


New member
So, with Irma out there what do you guys/gals do incase of power outage ? I have a generator but its not powerful enough to run the central AC, How do you keep the tank cool ? Fridge will be up and running so ice is an option. Other then that what are my other options?
I will get out of town if Irma hits Central Florida. It may cost a couple of thousands to restart a tank, but family safety first.

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Of course safety first, Ive lived in st. pete for 40 years and have never left during any storm, I'm in evacuation zone D so chances are I`ll be here.
In case it does hit us and you stay wright your social security number on your arm in a water proof sharpie That way your next of kin can be notified. That's what they did in Texas This really helps the first responders For the rest of you run like HELL. That was a 100 year event. Don't call 911 if you stay. They cant and wont respond to you. My prayers go out to the 49 souls who decided not to leave.JMO
I have been directly involved in storm related instances and all I can say is be prepared, have a plan and expect the unexpected. Don't stick around for. A cat4 or 5 and expect it not to be your worst day ever. I have a generator for fridge maybe the small ac unit and will keep ice bottles for cooling and my dc pump running. And one led light. Keep my spare vehicle full of gas for emergency generator gas. I have pellet food for fish. Pull your socks and kill skimmer if you're leaving town. I'm required to show for work so in anycase unless family can stay at my house, my tank is on its own. Lets hope it dont come here and be prepared for goodness sake!
Oh and great info joekeefe! It's truly saddening to go thru and see the homes painted up in the aftermath. Gives an eerie feeling and disheartening.
I'm 28` above sea-level, If the projected storm surge is even close to that I'm out, If its not then I'm staying, I was down at Casey key after Charlie doing emergency work, Pretty nasty stuff.
I road Hurricane Charlie out when we lived in Port Charlotte... Let me tell you, That was the scariest thing I went through....Even more then my days in the first gulf war...I will be leaving and deal with tank when I get back....
I'm 28` above sea-level, If the projected storm surge is even close to that I'm out, If its not then I'm staying, I was down at Casey key after Charlie doing emergency work, Pretty nasty stuff.

Yes the water is bad but a tree falling on your house and killing your family isn't worth it....Just my 2 cents
I read a study (the website has crapped out from all the traffic and references. If I can - I'll download a copy and put it on my server)

If a Cat 5 were to turn up into tampa bay or hit Pinellas dead on - we are looking at around 87% projected total destruction. It's not the flooding that worries me - it's the amount of debris flying around / wind damage that's really going to mess our days up. Alot of homes just can't stand up to 175 mph winds.

I'm with WatDatThing: I'm prepared to lose $3000 in livestock. A generator wont help if I'm not there to start it (or dead). A generator wont help when your house blows over.

So I'll wait until the model firms up (figure Thursday or Friday) before I make the call to evacuate.

Here's a secondary link if doesn't work: "Project_Phoenix_Scenario_Info.pdf"
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Ted, that is the conclusion we have made as well.

In "our usual luck" one of the housings on our rodi cracked today. We were hoping to have a full storage barrel "in case" but looks like we may have to punt on that one.
If leaving your house what could you rig up to leave a lower head running for a day or two if power does go out?? Is that possible?
If leaving your house what could you rig up to leave a lower head running for a day or two if power does go out?? Is that possible?

Get a battery powered bubbler from the fishing section at walmart they last quite a while and will keep oxygen in your tank. They have saved me from many power outages.
Get a battery powered bubbler from the fishing section at walmart they last quite a while and will keep oxygen in your tank. They have saved me from many power outages.

I forgot, I actually have one of the live well pumps that hooks up to a car battery. I'll see if I can rig that up to stay out of the sand and see what happens if need be. Of course keeping the battery well above where any water would get to.
I will make my decision on what were doing Saturday, I'm lucky enough to have access to a Cat5 designed building I can stay at. I will do what I can to save the tank incase of power outage but right now the storm is still about a 1000 miles out and from the NOAA website the average track error on day 4 and 5 is 175 to 225 miles respectively, Everyone stay safe and make your decision per your needs.