Hydrofoamer Silence Pump 9420.040


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Can you clear up some confusion on the hydrofoamer silence pumps, specifically the 9420.040? I think the original version was a Sicce based pump modified by Tunze, but haven't they been completely overhauled by Tunze. Is the newest version completely engineered, designed, and built by Tunze? Or is it some combination of the 2.

Technical differences between Hydrofoamer 9420.040 and 9410.040 vs Sicce PSK-2500

Volute is molded to motor, this eliminates the risk of the volute torquing loose and breaking the shaft.
Needlewheel housing is secured with a stainless steel screw, same purpose as above.
Needles molded on to magnet, the one piece design eliminates noise and start up issues.
Neodymium drive magnet, the stronger permanent magnet reduces power consumption and adds more torque.
Fixed ceramic shaft, the ceramic shaft is robust and fixed in the drive unit, it spins in ceramic bearings with silicon isolation dampners to reduce noise.
Internal cooling duct, the reduces noise and reduces the rate of build up of lime and debris in the bearings.

Please note that until late last year we did use the Sicce pump and I think this is the cause of any confusion, we now use our own pump.
Roger, what are the air draw and water gph differences? I'd like to replace my Sicce pumps with the Tunze Hydrofoamer 9240.040. Not concerned with cost as much as noise... I know your pumps are SO MUCH MORE QUIET! I need to know if the pumps can meet the requirements though.
Since the Sicce pump is a pond pump modified by the various skimmer companies to a needlewheel pump, the needlewheels and performance are not standardized. The peak performance of our pump with 0ft of back pressure is 850 l/h of air and 1300 l/h of water but in use on our 9420 which is about 20" tall and 8" in diameter the results are about 650-700 l/hr and 1400-1500 l/hr of water.