Dont get me wrong but my personal opinion working in electronic electrical power sector
that design of such a instrument is completely stupid. Why?
How is possible that you place so many connectors in front part of box when
connectors and their cabling will cover all front and hanging down?
Come one designers are you ever test something to be more practical and usefull?
Lower part of box in 90% of all electronics that in 60 years I see or worked with
is bellow, nice lined or by side. Now immagine plug all sensors whats will look like?
And the price 1200 US$ is exaggerated toooooo much. I purchased expensive things
but this is so ugly designed. Put by side L connectors going down or bellow but in Front
plate dummy.
no hard feeling my 50 years electronic experience as children with 10 years i made better
box for light switchhing in school disco party.
I purchased Hanna for example. See perfect design, cabling bellow that you can allways
place nice plastic cable channel to lead to sensors ect...
Also Prominent testing unit see what is European design 100 % better than this Canadian crap
You have spaces to add or plug properly bellow.