Hyposalinity QT tank teeming w/ pods???


Okay, first of all, my water is at .009ppm SG/13ppt Salinity.
I use a refractometer and test daily. The water has been at this level for 2 weeks with my new yellow tang. Now, I know...I know...the QT is supposed to be bare bottom, but I didn't feel like taking the sand out and left a few small chunks of LR in there, but no other inverts of course. I am aware that the Hypo was supposed to kill any life the sand/LR had, and I thought it didn't have much in the first place (maybe 1lb of LR, total.) I never had an ammonia spike or anything. The water params are good and the tang seems to be handling it well.
Tonight I turned on the light and saw GADS of pods, teeming all over the place. I had tons of pods before the hypo, but I thought they are not supposed to survive??? Needless to say, they are big fat heathy pods now. Some are 3 or 4 mm long.
How is it that these pods survive in the hypo? Aren't they inverts that would go into osmotic shock?? I wish the scooter blenny in my display tank could eat them!! I didn't see any in my display tank, probably because he has eaten most of them. :(
Also, on a side note, this yellow tang is a trooper. He broke out with the WORST case of ich I have ever seen, his poor body looked like it was rolled in sugar, and his skin was all lumpy like an orange peel, then he started to swell up all over (probably from a internal bacterial infection.) Well this all went away about 10 days into the Hypo treatment, and he looks good, considering! Now just 4...or 5...or 6 more weeks:rolleyes:
I love my display too much! I am afraid of putting him in!!!
Pods are intertidal creatures. They're exposed to a whole bunch of stuff. I'm sure hypo's nothing to them.