I’ve Got Babies!


Active member
One week after I finally picked up a quickfilter/guard thingy to go on my power head to protect little things from getting diced to pieces and explaining to my gf why I needed it as I was maxing out my credit card at that pet place…I’ve got babies. Ok, you probably would call them plankton or just larval technically, but my two little blue coral banded shrimp finally had their eggs hatch! I realize the odds I raise these guys up are slim to none, but it is still cool and exciting and worth a shot. I pulled out bunch of the little guys and have them in a little cup. I think I am going to set up a 10g tank to keep them in, time to do heavy research.

Related thread:
<DD><AHREF="http://reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1016664">Shimp larval, how to raise! </A>
Errrr. Stupid hyper link didn't work. Here it is again

<A HREF="http://reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1016664">Shrimp larval, how to raise! </A>
Thanks, I rememberthat post before and I bookmarked it, but through 2 computer crashes in the last couple of months I've lost most my bookmarks or "favorits" and have been too lazy to dig through my back ups to find them.
I knew this is when I was going to wish I had been culturing my own food. It's a good time to start though.

"Remember the larvae are vary delicate at this stage so don’t use a net to catch them, siphoning is much better." That was mistake number one...noted for next time.

I helped breed out (not directly involved lol) some orange tangerine angels (freshwater).
Out of 2 batches of eggs (around 250 each breeding) a friend and I managed to save around 75-80. It took a lot of work and a lot of patience but the trade off was for some prize tourquoise discus.
Less than $100 cash invested and over $400 in payoff from the trade. Not the norm for most breeders but regardless it was a great experience and actually very informative.
Lots of water changes, extremely low flow and a couple tubes of fry.
Blue Coral banded (especially in pairs) are a nice trade item too :D.
Sweet, I hadn't even thought about trading them. I was just thinking about going to the LFS after months of raising and getting ripped off and I currently don't have anything to trade.