I am giving away 2 mantis shrimp great specimans wennera



Ive been looking everywhere for one, would you ship to Cincinnati? Ill pay whatever you'd like! Thanks Dave
Huladaman I recently gave a hitchhiker to a guy at Turtle Creek Flea Market (near Traders World, assuming you know where its at) i could give him a call and see if he still has it. Also i got a real nice Mantis at Aquatics Pets and Ponds in Springboro my wanna check with them as well they will order anything you want if they dont have it in stock.
If you still have one let me know, I would love to have one, I already have a tank set up and waiting, just haven't found a mantis yet. Let me know, I will gladly pay shipping, etc. or meet you to pick up.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6951909#post6951909 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by vareefer4life
If you still have one let me know, I would love to have one, I already have a tank set up and waiting, just haven't found a mantis yet. Let me know, I will gladly pay shipping, etc. or meet you to pick up.

Not sure where in VA you live but have you checked Roozen's in PG County MD.? I have seen them there. Id bet you could have them call you when they had one. They seem to carry everything.

[Edit] If you dont live close I get out there now and then could get one and have you meet me, I live in northern VA.