I can't keep Anthias alive.


New member
I being struggling to keep Anthias. Four months ago I pulled two fishes out the tank thinking they killed my Anthias. One month ago I bought 2 Bartletts Anthias, Always hiding inside rocks, hardly see them, them I find the male dead with pieces missing. The female is always hiding now and I'm scare is going to die too. I feed them homemade Rogger's recipe to which I add Cyclopezze,Krill and Mysis, I feed them baby brine shrimp and black worms. I use Seachem Reef Plus twice a week and phytoplankton daily. What I am doing wrong? I need help.
Most Anthias need to be fed multiple times a day. They don't have a large stomach for storing food. The easier ones are the Lyretails. They can usually live on once or twice a day feeding.
Check your water quality. Bartletts are probably the hardiest anthias. Make sure that there is no bully in the tank. Feed frequently. Your choice of food is good. They love cyclopeze and small mysis. I would try a lyretail if the other Bartlet's passes. They are less expensive to experiment with.
I bought 2 Bartletts Anthias, Always hiding inside rocks, hardly see them, them I find the male dead with pieces missing. The female is always hiding now and I'm scare is going to die too.

More feeding is necessary, but I suspect you have a murderer in your tank.
The only fish I haven't been able to figure out are the anthias. I can't keep them alive. I've tried everything. The only time I came close was keeping them in a container (inside the tank) for a few days and feeding them several times a day. After I let them loose they died a few days later. Sorry I couldn't help but just wanted to let you know that, your not alone.
I know the diers fine but this is just a general question shouldnt more than two be added ive always heard of having 3-5 in a group
Now I will use acclimation box after my incident with the Multicolor Angel. The Anthias were there before the Angel. The only frozen food the Anthia is accepting is cycloppeze, and live baby brine shrimp.
Get bartlett anthias. They are great. Mine eat like a beasts if you go to strictly fish they have a lot of them all eating like crazyyy!!!
I have pink square, Bartletts, and Lyratails. If your parameters are fine and you don't have a murderer then these are my suggestions. Make sure they are active and eating at the LFS. Buy multiples, usually one male and two females. Buy them late in the day and place them in the tank at night when everyone else are sleeping. This gives them good time to acclimate to your tank. In the morning feed them meaty foods at least every three to four hours for about a week. If they make that far they should be fine and should eventually eat flakes and pellets. I've had mine now for over six years. Good luck.
I agree with a few of the others, you have an aggressive fish that's keeping them from coming out. I feed once a day and my anthia is doing great. Always out and about.
I agree with a few of the others, you have an aggressive fish that's keeping them from coming out.

That's something a lot of people miss. Aggression isn't always about physical attacks that are obvious, but also simple intimidation that isn't so obvious.
I agree it's some kind of intimidation. I tried to feed the female all day yesterday but she's not coming out a rock for nothing. I hate to see a fish going thru this kind of stress.
I'm using a turkey blaster to feed her inside rock.