I cracked my 350G


New member
Tank measures:

72"L x 30"H x 36" front to back

I was moving it and got careless and cracked the top piece of plexi, i guess it would be the brace. It's a crack from the hole on the top of the acrylic tank to the side piece of acrylic.

Should I have any worries? It does not leak!

Thanks all !

Contact Mhurley. he had the same problem on his 330 gallon tank and made a rapair that worked. I believe he used weldon and sandwiched the crack between 2 pieces of acrylic to make the repair.

When I saw the thread title, I was expecting a disaster! You are fortunate.

Do you have a build threat? If not, we need one once it is running!
Right on.

I'll try to get my act together and get one started. First things first, that freakin crack!

I'll try to take a picture or two of what it looks like and get the opinions of the RC community b4 I attempt a repair/mending.

Thanks, Homer.
If you have access to chloroform it works great for welding acrylic together. And it works within minutes. Take a piece of stock acrylic, clamp it over crack. Make sure both pieces of acrylic are flush together. And squirt chloroform into seam. Chloroform is a solvent that will weld acrylic almost instantly.

Have used chloroform to make an acrylic sump and it works great for bonding acrylic. Only one problem, all seams or places of contact must fit perfectly.