Really interesting, something I've always wanted to do.
Disclaimer (before the chemists slam me :bigeyes::hammer: ): I realize that a TDS meter and chlorine test kit cant test everything in water. A reading is an indicator of ionic impurities and a lack of TDS measured does not indicate the water is "pure". It just means the equipment I had didn't detect anything.
Really interesting, something I've always wanted to do.
Disclaimer (before the chemists slam me :bigeyes::hammer: ): I realize that a TDS meter and chlorine test kit cant test everything in water. A reading is an indicator of ionic impurities and a lack of TDS measured does not indicate the water is "pure". It just means the equipment I had didn't detect anything.
"Stop using TDS as the measurement of water quality. Disinfection Byproducts like Trihalomethanes, Volatile Organic Compounds, METHYL tertiary-butyl ether, chlorine, chloramines, cysts and lead are the primary contaminants to Public Water Systems. They have no impact on the conductivity of the water. Yet these do not register on a TDS meter. And public water systems primarily supply from surface water that tends to have low TDS levels." ( Water Conditioning & Purification Magazine, March 2009, page 42 )