I get to join...... lotsoftats's 180g super slow build


New member
I have finally get to make the leap to the large tank forum.....Craigslist is an awesome tool to use for a used tank.....LOL

Picking up this weekend.....drum roll....180g and sump......I will replace that sump with a 75g I have in the garage......I will try and and keep this updated as this will be a slow build....But I finally have my TANG tank.....Look out Naso......:bounce1::bounce1::celeb3::celeb3:
Looking forward to the build thread. One request: can you provide a lot of details and pictures showing how you convert the 75g into a sump?

I'm planning to do the same as you (get a 180g DT and a 75g sump), so I'd love to see how you install the partitions and plumb it.

Good luck!