I give up, I'm switching salt!!!


New member
For the last three years up in NY I used CoralLife salt in my 90 gallon mixed sps dominant tank.

All I did is struggle to keep Alk and Mg at normal levels, even with kalk and two part dosing.

Here I move 1200 miles away, set up a 17 gallon nano tank and what do I use, CoralLife and I am already struggling to keep the alk at a reasonable level,currently its at 6.6 and mag is 1180

So that's it I am changing salt..............any suggestions ????
is that the Alk level measured in a fresh batch before putting into tank? If so, I would question the test method. If 8 or so in the fresh batch, your consumption is higher than your adding as far as 2 (or 3) part. What is your pH and Calcium levels normally?
I have used Red Sea Coral Pro, but found it a bit inconsistent and I the last batch I got was way under the normal salinity levels, which almost crashed my tank.

After that experience, I went back to Reef Crystals and I'm very happy with all the levels now.
I too switched from coral pro to IO Reef crystals. I'm thinking of switching back. Levels are all fine but the RC seems to cloud up a lot easier.
Pick a salt that mixes up closest to the levels that you like to keep your tank. I used IO RC for a while, but switched to regular IO because the ALK of IO RC mixed up to high for my liking.

Even doing a small 10 per week WC on my 125 would cause me to have to skip a day of dosing because of the jump in alk. Now after water changes alk stays steady, right around 8.3-8.5 after the change, which is where I like my tank.
Pick a salt that mixes up closest to the levels that you like to keep your tank. I used IO RC for a while, but switched to regular IO because the ALK of IO RC mixed up to high for my liking.

Even doing a small 10 per week WC on my 125 would cause me to have to skip a day of dosing because of the jump in alk. Now after water changes alk stays steady, right around 8.3-8.5 after the change, which is where I like my tank.
I do agree with you and have thought about trying that maybe my next 200# box I will get regular io....
One could also use a 50/50 mix of regular io/iorc. This method will also make the transition from switching salts less stressful on the tank.
Well now I'm really confused, tested a fresh batch of saltwater and got 9.3. tested the tank and got 8.6. Usually I do not test until the afternoons.

Also dealing with PH swings from about 7.6 at night to 8.4 during the day.

Thanks for all the salt suggestions, not sure what I'll do just yet.
Well now I'm really confused, tested a fresh batch of saltwater and got 9.3. tested the tank and got 8.6. Usually I do not test until the afternoons.

Also dealing with PH swings from about 7.6 at night to 8.4 during the day.

Thanks for all the salt suggestions, not sure what I'll do just yet.

Before changing salts, find out what is causing such a large swing in your PH.
IO Reef crystals, the alk is sky high when mixing it, but other than that it mixes consistent. I mix 15gals at a time, then add 5.5ml of muriatic acid to lower the ALK from around 10.5 to 8.5/8.3 then air rate the water ph back to normal. Kind of a pain but doing this almost perfectly matches my tank numbers.
The ph swings you can help by bringing in outside air to the skimmer, again a bit of a pita but my PH numbers are much more agreeable after doing this.
Well now I'm really confused, tested a fresh batch of saltwater and got 9.3. tested the tank and got 8.6. Usually I do not test until the afternoons.

Also dealing with PH swings from about 7.6 at night to 8.4 during the day.

Thanks for all the salt suggestions, not sure what I'll do just yet.

If you don't have a refugium, these PH swings are normal. Light affects PH and when you have a fuge, they recommend the light cycle to be reversed with your display tank specifically for this reason. Don't worry too much about PH and focus on Salinity, ALK, CA and MAG levels.
Back in NY with my big tank I had an outside airline running into my skimmer and the refugium on a reverse lighting schedule, those both helped me stabilize PH

I am running kalk in my ATO, I think I will try running the ATO only at night, that should help balance PH a bit.

Definitely not going to chase it..........