
New member
Hey, all-

Was doing some looking in my tank late last night, and saw these on some of my zoas :(


I pulled the one in the pic out a couple of months ago. The last couple of weeks I have noticed a recession in some of my zoas and some other colonies that just don't look quite as good. Last night I pulled out 3 more of these guys on different colonies, one "adult" (dime sized) and 2 babies, only big enough to barely grab w/ my tweezers.

What can I do??? There are some colonies that I can FW dip, but some of my LR has huge colonies of zoas that I cannot dip because the rock has other more sensitive corals attached.

I will continue to pull out these guys periodically, but anyone know of any tricks or predators I can use?

Sorry to hear about your infestation! I went through this about a year and a half ago. I also had lg. pieces of rock covered with zoos. You need to set up a Q tank and remove as many of your zoos as you can. If possible break your lg. pieces of LR and get the zoos out, or they are goners.

I manually removed the nudis almost daily, and dipped my zoos in a Lugols dip every other day for nearly a month, and kept all my zoos (that didn't get wiped out) in the Q tank for about 6 months to make sure all the nudis were gone from my display.

These things are horrible!! The dip won't kill the eggs, only the ones that are hatched. I won't add any new zoos to my tank without putting through a Q process first.

Good Luck - Tony
I feel for you.
I was battling them for a while and I won! Patience is the key, scan the tank as often as you can, dip the ones you can and use tweezers on the ones you can't take out.
I was so desperate, I even got a Seagrasse Wrasse, not sure if it helped, but have been Nudi free for a long time.
Had a mistery desease wipe out all my zoas anyways, but that's another story.........
Ok this is a stretch & i'm not saying anyone should do this but this is how i got rid of my nudis. About 6 mo. ago i had a bad nudi problem i did all the regular stuff F/W dips & picking them off the glass and my zoos after lights out "Nothing Worked" they would dissaper for a week then be back in full force. One day while adding suplimental iodine i overdosed my tank by at least double the recomended drops. Needless to say i did close to a 50% water change but it was too late for my xenia & gorgonians they were melting within a half hour. A few days later to my delite everthing but my xenia & a few gorgonians had survived fish, zoos, ricordia, lps, ect. And one more this was missing MY NUDI PROBLEM! I have not seen a Nudi in this once Nudi infested tank in 6 months, go figure by accident i solved my problem. And by the way my zoos look great :D
Thanks for all the sympathy :)

I pulled out all the colonies I could and gave them a FW bath w/ iodine, adjusted for ph. About 20 of them in different sizes fell off. I felt bad too, 'cause of all the pods and mini brittles that went careening and spinning off the rocks in a state of shock. Oh well.

Unfortunately I cannot remove all the colonies. At this point I'll have to do the manual removal and fw dips.

Dosing my whole display with anything is out of the question for me. It's heavily loaded and I would rather lose all my zoas than everything.

Any other tips and experiences are appreciated.

Thanks! -Becca :)
I had the same difficulty with not being able to remove all the zoanthid colonies because they were established on the rock after having been epoxied to the rockwork. I used a turkey baster to suck the nudis off the zoanthids. Once in the baster, I discarded them. You have to be very careful looking for them because, as you already know, they are sometimes very well camouflaged. But you can find them. Also, you have to get the whitish-colored curley-ques of their eggs.

I went on a hunt for them at least twice a day and was relentless with that. It took me about a month to completely rid the tank of them. But, I did ultimately get them all that way.