I just got back from dive training in Cave Country


New member
I got back last night from a short vacation in Florida. Instead of seeing a reef in warm saltwater, I got to see cave fish and shrimp in 68 degree spring water. I finished up my Sidemount and Cavern certifications. The cavern drills were pretty involved and required carrying plenty of redundant equipment. We went through an opening that would have been a pretty tight fit if you had back mounted tanks. We did single file out of air drills, lights out exit drills, and mask off exits. Several task loaded emergency drills were performed on the fly as well. The technical kicking style is hard on the calf muscles. I had some leg cramps to prove it. Though the class can be demanding, it is rewarding as well.

Let me know if any of you divers are interested in cavern / cave training. I can go with you during training to get more dives in myself. If you need to know equipment requirements for this type of diving, then just ask. :fish1:
I like seeing reefs in 78 degree saltwater with no current rather than blind shrimp...
Have been diving since 1993 and only one cave dive under my belt.
Glad you enjoyed your trip
Glad you made it back. Now you go sky diving and complete "the things that can get you killed" training course. Lol!
I like seeing reefs in 78 degree saltwater with no current rather than blind shrimp...
Have been diving since 1993 and only one cave dive under my belt.
Glad you enjoyed your trip

I enjoy reefs more, but these dives were among my best dives. I logged 75 minutes on one dive at Morrison Springs cave using two Faber steel 95s in sidemount. My Marino wool lined 7 mil pinnacle suit kept me warm. I had a 5 mil hood, but no gloves allowed for cave line work.

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Glad you made it back. Now you go sky diving and complete "the things that can get you killed" training course. Lol!

Good one, but I have thought about skydiving just once. Do you sell life insurance? Lol. I am fully covered just in case. If you see my wife paying off the house, then something bad happened. At least bad from my perspective. ;)

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put in your will: shrimp and goby goes to Nanodoc
After all, I took good care of your purple monti frag
put in your will: shrimp and goby goes to Nanodoc
After all, I took good care of your purple monti frag

Ha ha ha. I've had them almost as long as I have had my tank setup. Dave Cole had them a while before I got them from him. They actually belong to my son, Alex.

How big has that Monti gotten?
always wanted to start diving, ahhhh someday I am sure

Glad to hear the shrimp and goby are still doing well!
Still open to any diver who wants to join my hubby and myself as we dive out of Destin FL July 7-21. We stay for two weeks and make several dives with Scubatech out of Destin. Neuroslicer out of the Memphis club will be joining us for several dives. Send a PM if you would like more information. We love diving out of Destin. Dove the Keys, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico many times, but love Destin too. We have been diving since 1977.
Still open to any diver who wants to join my hubby and myself as we dive out of Destin FL July 7-21. We stay for two weeks and make several dives with Scubatech out of Destin. Neuroslicer out of the Memphis club will be joining us for several dives. Send a PM if you would like more information. We love diving out of Destin. Dove the Keys, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico many times, but love Destin too. We have been diving since 1977.

We go to Orlando in June, but ill know by then if I can make it to Destin. I think I was just an hour from Destin on Tuesday.

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I talked to Neuroslicer (Jay) at the meeting at St. Jude this weekend (I am a member of both clubs). We are going to schedule a night dive during the period of time when he comes down. Love night dives.