I need Advice!


Here's the story: I currently have what I consider a healthy 90 gallon that has been set up less than a year. I have the opportunity to purchase a 230 gallon. I would like to know any & all pros/cons for this move and also what equipment I will need. After I see it today I will post what it comes with as far as pumps, etc.
I am thinking water changes will be the biggest challenge as I have been very good about changing 15 gallons every 1-2 wks on my 90. (I know, I gotta lose the background on the next tank):rollface:

If you can handle the additional water change and additional electrical consumption, I say go for it. A larger tank gives you more flexibility to do what you want as far livestock and aquascaping. You don't have to run fill it up with live rock. You can operate it with the livestoc you already have and just provide the fish with more swimming room. You can gradually stock it at your own pace.

Using your 15 gallons every week or two scenario, you would only be changing about 38 gallons in that same time frame in a water change.