i need help with blue tang asap


New member
I noticed my blue tang is getting very skinny like if his ribs are showing i know i know they dont have ribs but dont know whats the correct term and all my other fishes are very fatty . What is wrong?
One thing I thought after I saw your tang yesterday is that it may have internal parasites maybe worms. Usually you can treat that with garlic.

I'm not expert. JMO
I noticed my blue tang is getting very skinny like if his ribs are showing i know i know they dont have ribs but dont know whats the correct term and all my other fishes are very fatty . What is wrong?
Steve - Post up your water parameters and what you feed. Do you see him eat when you do feed?

well If your tang doesnt have paracites, then you might not be feeding him enough.

If he is still eating then you have to feed him atleast 3 times per day, tangs have very high metabolisim. If they dont eat alot they start losing body mass.
He is getting better thanks for asking but I noticed if I start feeding more I get more algae. I feed him frozen algea the one that comes in a variety pack with brine shrimp. Also in the tank there's enough green algae in the bottom. Do you think I need a cleaning shrimp as I heard it helps clean parasites from the fish?
I only feed frozen food once a day. Take a cube of food, put it in a cup of RO water and dissolve, I also add minced garlic just about three pieces about the size of these letters and add it to the mixture. I press the garlic on to the side of the cup so it releases its juices into the mixture.

I feed half of the mixture once a day then I put a lid on the remaider and put it in the fridge for the next day. I usually remake the mixture after the second feeding that way the mix soaks in the garlic juices for atleast a night.

I also feed pellets to the hippo, when I sit and watch the tank. He is the biggest fish in the tank so he usually gets to the pellets first. Just feed one pellet at a time to make sure the food is being eaten.

As far as paracites go, I have noticed that once I started to feed Garlic the paracites started dissapearing ( have read that it is due to garlic boosting the fish's immune system, but it is not scientifically proven). It seems to work for me. you saw how fat my hippo was.

Cleaner shrimp are cool to have in your fish tank, They do clean the fish but not to the point where they get rid of things like Ich or Flukes.
Koo koo thanks for tips I gotta go get some pellets I did start adding kent marine garlic extreme thou. Y the way erik you think you can sell me a frag or to so I wont arrive empty handed on the dec.meetting? Loving that purple shroom it opens wild.
Damn guys my tang finally passed away R.I.P. thanks for all the advise like I said it was strange as every day he would eat pretty good but started getting more n more skinny. Does anyone know where's the best price for a blue tang as my lil ones think his at the lfs doctor.
Hey Steve, Everybody in town usually has them in stock the trick is getting one the same size as the one you had or your kids will know that you replaced him.