I really screwed up!


New member
I recently switched from a 90gallon Fowlr with all HOB stuff to a 75gallon with a sump and skimmer. Well my Coral Beauty who never in the last two years bothered a soul, decides to start violently harassing my Sixline which he never ever did before, bullying my Flagfin angel, who actually used to pick on him, and bumping against my new baby trigger. So in all my brilliance I decide to try and capture him and get him into my sump until maybe getting rid of him for credit at the fish shop. Well after soaking myself and my carpet, and removing two large pieces of rock, i give up and go to place the rock back in only to discover that my sixline wrasse is laying at the bottom of the bucket dead. I seriously think my Coral Beauty is mocking me at this very moment. I did not sleep a wink last night. Talk about discouraging! One more thing. My Flagfin has been scraping against the rockwork and actually flaking off his scales one by one, I dont see any signs of disease and he acts healthy otherwise. Could the stress of the big switch plus the Coral Beauty's abuse be making him do this or would it be some unseen skin disease?
Thats a bummer, I suggest depth charges at night near the coral beuty's sleeping spot. If you cann't see anything on the sides of the itchy fish and water chemistry is good, I would think hes is stressed. Fish do scrath from time to time but if its that excessive to removing scales somthing is wrong. Did you try posting in the desease forums?
Catching elusive fish is a "hounds to the hunter" approach. That is use both hands, one with a net, the other with a catch box (rubbermaid clear container works fine). You can set up the clear box (harder for him to see) and try to use the net to drive him into it/corner him.