I think I figured it out


Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori
Premium Member
The reason why I keep finding baby gorilla/xanthid crabs in my wife’s 32 gallon. Found this little girl when fragging the GSP. Only about the size of a dime or so

Now that’s cool.
It got put into a spare unmedicated qt tank. I rarely have the heart to purposely kill crabs (Fireworms sure but crabs nah) only issue is the tank is unheated soo there’s that
It got put into a spare unmedicated qt tank. I rarely have the heart to purposely kill crabs (Fireworms sure but crabs nah) only issue is the tank is unheated soo there’s that
I think they’ll probably be fine. Crabs are pretty tough animals, generally speaking. I hope they make it!