Icecap MH box


New member
I just bought the premium aquatics #74690 EL BOX - FOR ICE MH with an icecap 250w electronic ballast. The wiring seems simple enough, but I'm at a loss on what to do with the ballast itself. It seems that it should be mounted in the box, but I see no way to easily do this. Do I need to actually drill holes in the box to fit the mount points for the ballast? If so, why are these holes not pre-drilled?

Hi Randy,

To keep the box at a decent cost, we had to get them without holes drilled, this way it's a standard PFO product with some basic wire changes. If we had the holes drilled, it would have to go into production and would of cost twice as much unfortunately.

So your options are drilling and mounting, or silicon it. Or if you are just setting the ballast on a shelf, you could just leave it loose.

