Ich!!!!......a Lil Help Please...


New member
One of my blue tangs was look real skinny and has always been very shy. I noticed the past few days hes gotten worse and I see what looks to be ich on his body and he is not eating much. My other smaller blue tang has some spots and now my large yellow tang does too. Neither of the latter seem to be displaying any abnormal behavior but the Ich is definatley present. What do I need to do? I need some experience from you guys as to what works as a reef safe soloution and what doesn't.
the two things i've done in the past that weren;t a complete PITA was to lower salinity and raise temp. increased temp speeds up their lifecycle and lowering salinity helps the fish breathe easier and kills the parasite in its larval stage.
and If you can get to them, taking your fish out for a freshwater bath works wonders.
metrotidzenole and focus works for me raise temperature of tank to 80 gradually.

this worked for me..

my baby hippo tang came down with ich a week or so after introducing him into my 125. needless to say i wasn't going to get him out.
so i fed the whole tank the Metro and Focus and a dash of garlic guard mixed into their food EVERY time i fed until all of the medication was gone.. even after the white spots dissapeared i fed it all.
nothing else in the tank ever showed any sign of ich..
If you have or set up a quarantine tank I have plenty of copper treatment that I bought a while back. I will be glad to let you have some. I ended up having to buy a 16 oz bottle to treat one fish.
Thanks for the responses. I do not have a quarantine tank separate for the system. I will try the metrotidzenole and focus and lower the salinity. thanks Guys.
As an additional measure, consider adding Garlic extract to the fish food. My frequent bouts of ich on my fish resolved once i started feeding it to them. Some people say its snake oil, others swear by it. I myself believe in it. After curing the last bout of ich i added garlic to the fishfood and i never saw another case of ich again.
I bought a hippo tang a month ago and two days later he was covered in ich.I bought Kick-Ich because its reef safe.Added garlic to the food, used the kick ich as directed and bam, no more ich.

Marty fill your pool with copper based meds and dive in!
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....I think I have Ich.

Originally, I did me "Me" as a joke, but now my tank DOES have Ich, after Aqua-excavating last week. (Sigh...)

Now, my Regal has ich Zits (it's the German version)

Okay, I got the regimen:
  • Temp
  • Garlic (in the nori)
  • Focus
  • Metro

Question though:
Focus uses a 5:1 ratio? (5) parts Focus to every (1) part medicine?

Everytime I do that, my skimmer goes Bonkers and blows the top off the skimmate cup. (I went into the Sump closet the morning following treatment, and the Sump was FLUSH with foam, while the Skimmer belched out this plume.) :eek2:

I assume it's the meds.....?
(The tank's; not mine)