Ich cured itself?

If I move everything over to another tank how long do you do hypo? I've never tried it I've always used TTM

Read the thread I posted for you in post #3. Everything you need to know about Ick and curing it is there. That's as close to a spoon as I will get.
To beat the deadhorse. :deadhorse1:

Frost: You still have Ich. You need to go fallow in the display for 72-76 days, and you need to treat the fish. There is an incredibly small chance these two fish are 'immune' or one of the two is 'immune' to ich. More then likely with the death of the other fish they've grown less stressed and so the more obvious signs (outbreak on the body) have faded.

However it is very likely in their gills which is the easiest spot for ich to attach, due to the much more diminished or nonexistent slime coat there.

When you begin to introduce more fish, or they get stressed, or etc happens, it will simply flare back up again if you don't take care of it now.

For Oropher: Turn off your blue lights and use white lights only when you are trying to take a picture, it will really help you get a good shot. That single white lump looks sort of like how the ich looked on my gobies. Like a pimple. But its too hard to tell.

I hope you didn't just drop them /immediately/ into 1.010 hypo? Its best to bring the salinity down slowly over time. Certainly don't immediately drop them back into 1.026 when they are done, the fish need time to acclimate and adjust to the new salinity!
Hi Rover.

I did give them freshwater dip before putting them into hypo QT. The idea is really to make a shock osmotic pressure. Those fishes are doing ok now for over a week in QT.

When bringing them back to 1.025, I'll acclimate 0.001 per day so it will take 15 days from 1.010 to 1.025.


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