Ich Marino


New member
Hola: lo primero que queria hacer era agradecer por el gran trabajo que ha realizado en su publicacion; realmente me dio un panorama mucho mas claro de la enfermedad. Mi problema es que tengo un acuario de unos 400 litros con un par de Amphiprion acellaris, un dascylus aruanus, una cryciptera, una cryciptera hemicyanea, Zebrasoma flavescens, un Paracanthurus hepatus
y un Pseudochromis. mi pregunta es porque hoy al yellow tang le aparecieron dos puntitos blancos en una de las aletas y dos en la otra, son casi infimos y no se notan pero este especimen lo ingrase al acuario hace solo una semana; estaba en perfecto estado de salud, comia y aun come re bien y nada perfecto, hasta ahora no da sintomas de rascarse contra los corales, pero realmente estoy muy preocupado porque es mi primer cirujano amarillo y no quiero que muera; ni mucho menos que infecte al resto de los peces. que me recomiendas ? Cuanto deberia esperar antes de comenzar algun tratamiento ? digo por las dudas que no sea ich.... de todo tu articulo lo que me parecio mas recomendable fue el metodo de hiposalinidad, pero para este ejemplar cual te parece mejor ? Desde ya muchas gracias y felicitaciones por tu excelente trabajo.
Hello, the first thing I wanted to do was to thank for the great work he has done in its publication; really gave me a much clearer picture of the disease. My problem is I have an aquarium of 400 liters with a pair of Amphiprion acellaris a aruanus dascylus a cryciptera a cryciptera hemicyanea, Zebrasoma flavescens, a Paracanthurus hepatus
and a Pseudochromis. my question is because today the yellow tang it appeared two white dots in one of the fins and two in the other, are very minimal and almost unnoticeable but this specimen as the aquarium ingrase only a week ago, was in perfect health, ate and still eat well and nothing re perfect, so far no symptoms of scratching against the coral, but I really am very worried because this is my first surgeon did not want yellow and die, let alone infect the rest of the fish. that you recommend? Long should I wait before starting any treatment? I say just in case that is not ich .... all your article which I thought was the most recommended method hyposalinity, but for this example that you feel better? From already thank you very much and congratulations for your excellent work.
If you have corals, liverock, or livesand in your tank, you don't have any good treatment options in the display. The only way to rid the system of Ich is to remove and treat the fish in a proper quarantine/hospital tank. Hyposalinity or copper are both fine treatment options in quarantine.
Hi Steven, finally chose to raise the temperature for a week to see how the white point, the fish had only four points, which were disappearing, but still has a very good and fish are active, eat with mormal from what I understand should not be marine ich. from already thank you very much for your advice
It is completely normal for the spots to disappear on fish infected with marine ich. They must drop off the host to reproduce.