ich out break goona move inverts and LR how to keep them alive


New member
i have a out break of ich its not bad yet fewspots but its there, on my niger trigger now and flame angel
feeding them garlic soakedfood all are eatingand swimming fine no flashing or anything

if it gets worse im going to do a hyposlainty (spelling) on the whole tank
i will take all the inverts and crabs out to, if i put the inverts and rock in a seperate tank, what is needed the keep the rock cured and the inverts on it alive, i want to keep the LR "alive"
man ich sucks on marine fish :(
Would it not be easier to remove the fish? It is my understanding that ich will not survive once the fish are removed from the tank. If you remove the fish and treat them for approx 6 weeks and then return them to the tank. All should be fine, as I understand it. I tried Kick-Ich which is reef safe along with garlic with limited success. The ich has not gotten worse but it is not gone either. Only 1-2 stops on 1 fish........a tang!
i dont have a tank big enough for all the fish, but i thought i could put the LR in a tub of saltwater and a heater with a powerhead, to keep the inverts on it alive then treat the main tank
Well 2 things. Anything in the substrate will be killed such as live sand etc. If thats ok with you then thats fine. Also Ich detatches from the fish and reproduces in the substrate which is why most who use hypo go with barebottom

Garlic has not been proven to have an effect on ich. IMO to be 100% sure Id go with hypo or some other treatment for your fish. If you do go for hypo Id go for 6 - 8 weeks to be sure

Just some Garlic info for ya
im screwed then i dont have the money to go buy a 75g hospital tank, heaters, filters,etc
even then it wouldnt be cycled prolly kill the fish then to:(
how many fish do you have?

At this point You could save some of your sand or all if you wish. Remove rocks and inverts. Hypo will still kill the ick in substrate, Which is why I said go for 6 - 8 weeks jsut to make sure. Then when hypo is finished you can add everything back.
If it is only 1-2 spots per fish I would wait to see if they can overcome the sickness themselves
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6964153#post6964153 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by kraze3
how many fish do you have?

At this point You could save some of your sand or all if you wish. Remove rocks and inverts. Hypo will still kill the ick in substrate, Which is why I said go for 6 - 8 weeks jsut to make sure. Then when hypo is finished you can add everything back.

1 blue niger trigger 2"
1 yellow tang 3"
1 watchman goby 2"
1 yellow tail damsel 1"
1 flame angel 3"

would a 30g work for the fish during the hypo
if so what about the cycle?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6964155#post6964155 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by MrChico
If it is only 1-2 spots per fish I would wait to see if they can overcome the sickness themselves

there were 4 or 5 on my triger last night today they were gone and still are

7 or 8 on the flame tonight (were not there this morning i looked)
its still eating and swimming fine as well
Got ya

Well like MrChico suggested you could wait to see if the fish can fight it off naturally.

If you, now or later, choose to do hypo IMO I would value my fish over my LS. Id save a couple lbs and then do hypo. Then when u add it all back those few lbs saved will eventually seed the rest of the sand.