I'd help please


New member
Got this rock for free and inspected before adding, didn't notice anything. Well today I noticed about 50 of the little brown things that look like baby aptasia but aren't aptasia. Each tentacle has like little spikes on it. Very hard to take a detailed pic with my phone. Any help pointing me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, nathan


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This is similar to what it looks like. Some sort of brown star polyps from my best guess


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are you suppose to soak rock in coral cleaner before adding?
You can dip rocks for sure. But I'd assume youd run the risk of killing off the beneficial bacteria on the rock? I dunno I've never dipped a whole rock before, just dipped corals.

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If it is not part of a mat, I am leaning towards the aiptasia side. A dip most likely will not kill them. There are plenty of alternatives listed here on the forum, but if it was my rock it would be in bleach or peroxide. Do not inject boiling water! Find something to eat it or find a way to seal the oral disk (ie Joe's Juice, or aiptasia x) if you choose something to eat it like peppermint shrimp, know that there are 10 identical species of peppermint shrimp and only one that eats aiptasia, if you chose that route you will need to buy several to up the odds you get a hard worker, otherwise they are just part of the non predatory carnivores in your cleanup crew. This is the route I chose for maintenance, but I have a large tank with room for extra shrimp, I also do this approach for a few aiptasia. If it is part of a mat or linked together (easier to see when closed) then I would lean to briareum, Star polyp like GSP.

I don't want to say for sure with that photo, but I am leaning towards aiptasia. Sorry.
Those sure look like an aptasia garden to me. But, pics can be misleading. I hope they're not lol. Good luck.
It's confirmed a type of star polyp. I'm pulling the rock today and dipping that portion in boiling water. I appreciate everyone suggestions.

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Those sure look like an aptasia garden to me. But, pics can be misleading. I hope they're not lol. Good luck.

Aptasia for sure, looks like what a store in Port Richey is selling. Ridge rd.They have a whole tank filled with it.
I've had aptasia on several occasions. In person this looks exactly like little brown clove polyps/star polyps. Aptasia don't have feather looking tentacles. I'll try to take a better picture once the lights are on. I thought aptasia at first too until I noticed what the tentacles looked like.

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It's confirmed a type of star polyp. I'm pulling the rock today and dipping that portion in boiling water. I appreciate everyone suggestions.

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It's not a type of star polyp if there is no connecting mat. They might resemble an individual polyp, but without a connecting mat (stolon) they cannot be a member of the sub-order stolonifera.
Also, boliing livecrock is generally a bad idea. While many people do it with no issues, you don't want to be the occasional person that ends up aerosolizing some unknown nasty on the rock that can cause some pretty substantial effects on people.
If I could zoom in it looks similar to this. But not as many of the lashes on each tentacle. The ones in my tank have roughly 10-15 lashes per tentacle. But this is what it looks like, not aptasia


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If I could zoom in it looks similar to this. But not as many of the lashes on each tentacle. The ones in my tank have roughly 10-15 lashes per tentacle. But this is what it looks like, not aptasia

View attachment 353628

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Without the little side feathers it looks like aiptasia. Imo no rock that remotely looks like it has aiptasia will ever go in my tank lol.
And I know where ya talking about laserjim. Those are exotic anemones lol.
Without the little side feathers it looks like aiptasia. Imo no rock that remotely looks like it has aiptasia will ever go in my tank lol.
And I know where ya talking about laserjim. Those are exotic anemones lol.
I didn't notice it until a few days after. It's on a part of the rock I have wedged in the sand. It'll be taken care of today. I only started the thread because it was something I haven't seen before. As many of us on here have had tanks for awhile, I'm sure we all are well aware as to what aptasia looks like lol I was stumped on an I'd, figured asking would help I'd it

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Boiling water. Just dunked the bottom half of the rock in the boiling water. Problem solved lol

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This post was just like a conversation I have with my toddler.

It's a monster, daddy.
Oh no sweetie, it's not a monster.
It is a monster, daddy.
Baby, I promise, it's not a monster.
Daddy! It's a monster!
Sweetheart, it is not a monster. It is just a hat rack. I promise.
Daddy, I think it's most definitely a monster!
For the love of all things holy! I'm sorry sweetie, daddy didn't mean to yell. It's not a monster.
Have you been drinking again, daddy?
I had a beer, so what. That doesn't change the fact that that is not a monster
(Someone from another room in the house) That's a monster, for sure.
It's not a monster
(Someone else from a different room in the house) I had a monster just like that monster.
Not a monster.
Daddy...what are you going to do about that monster.
Pumpkin, have I ever told you the story about why daddy drinks...?
This post was just like a conversation I have with my toddler.

It's a monster, daddy.
Oh no sweetie, it's not a monster.
It is a monster, daddy.
Baby, I promise, it's not a monster.
Daddy! It's a monster!
Sweetheart, it is not a monster. It is just a hat rack. I promise.
Daddy, I think it's most definitely a monster!
For the love of all things holy! I'm sorry sweetie, daddy didn't mean to yell. It's not a monster.
Have you been drinking again, daddy?
I had a beer, so what. That doesn't change the fact that that is not a monster
(Someone from another room in the house) That's a monster, for sure.
It's not a monster
(Someone else from a different room in the house) I had a monster just like that monster.
Not a monster.
Daddy...what are you going to do about that monster.
Pumpkin, have I ever told you the story about why daddy drinks...?
Lol I KNEW from the beginning everyone was going to tell me aptasia. I've had saltwater tanks for almost 5 years now. And currently have 3 tanks. I spend more time looking at the rock and what not then anything else. Just like most people in the hobby I've had aptasia several times thru those 5 years. What was on that rock was definitely not aptasia but I couldn't provide a good enough pic to prove so. Problem is resolved tho haha

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