ID - Montipora


I know that many posters here are grammatically challanged and i normally wouldn't comment.

However, your sig lists you as a teacher.

You could at least use spell check or a dictionary.

It is spelled; blasphemy.

Sentence structure needs some work also.

I know, petty s#@$, and the mods may not like this, but you are teaching our kids and there a lot of them on here that can barely put a coherent sentence together.

OK, flame off.

your life is an incomplete sentence......stick to the topic and learn not to berate people....did it ever occurr to you that some people dont have the time to spell check and that typing is a whole other variable here????

get a life berating people on a reef forumn/message board man
good..... not saying anything else but you see what you started peewee??? all over a picture of "Supergirl" oh i mean uhh....whatever the hell you wanna call it
Yup, I'm a teacher...and a highly respected one at that. I am also a nortoriously bad speller and don't claim to be a great writer. My kids have high functioning autism and are, for the most part, very gifted intellectually(many 150+ I.Q). They are well aware of my failings and are encouraged to correct me, in as respectful a manner as possible, whenever they notice the mistakes I make. I am good natured and always encourage others to speak their mind, when it seems appropriate. I guess I would question your attack and the appropriateness of it here on the forum. A PM would have sufficed. I can't ever remember being berated quite like that on this forum...ever. I get what you are saying but you don't know me and you don't know the magic I create in a classroom with the incredible students I teach every day. Thanks for the "sorry", though it seemed more for the group than me.

Excuse any grammatical and/or spelling errors in advance :D :D :D :D :D :D

I did mean apology that for you.

Not to make excuses but, it was late and I should have just kept my keyboard shut. That was not in my nature either. Bad nite I guess.

I think that it was just the word "blaspheme" that set me off.
Not that I am a religious "nut".

Enough said.
I have many more opinions on teachers in general, but this is not the place. It's good that you can help the autistic.

BTW, I was tested at 148 while in high school.

No offense intended.

I type fast and don't always take the time to check, I am a busy woman. Thanks for the apology and I know about the opinions regarding teachers and our education system as a whole. I can also appreciate a bad night and something ticking you off, just use the PM for that stuff, its better for everyone. Now back to the topic here....