ID my caulerpa please


Well-known member
I don't know what kind this is. The balls are pretty big, so I'd guess it is not grape caulerpa.


If you can confirm a rhizomatous understructure (the creeping 'runners' from which the upright grape-clusters sprout), then that IS grape caulerpa, as in Caulerpa racemosa. You can clearly see the alternating branching of the branchlets to the ramuli.

The ramuli (the "balls" or "grapes") can vary in size and roundness depending largely on environmental factors.

Other, smaller grapes include C. lentillifera, C. microphysa...



I have found that the large grape, Racemosa, goes asexual frequently while other caulerpas that I have do not. Anyone else have experience that indicates racemosa seems to be more into asexual activities than others? Otherwise, it is a nice fast growing and good looking. Much easier to pull off rocks than the smaller grape caulerpa.
I have mine under lights 24 hours a day, and it has not gone sexual since. And nothing in my refugium runs away, since the lights are always on. They don't notice the difference.