Id new frags please...


New member
Frag #1


Frag #2
This one is green skeleton with purple tips, but camera couldn't capture it
I have another question. I have a total of 500+gph turnover rate on a 22g, is that enough flow? The reason I ask is eventhough with that much turnover rate, the polyps of my sps doesn't really sway as much. Does the polyps really have to sway or you just need enough turnover rate?
well the polyps will sway if they get hit by flow. if they're not moving at all, definitely nothing's hitting them. What really matters is the massive water moving past it, rather than it getting blasted by flow. It just needs water to move against the polyps in whatever form. Turbulent is better because it'll probably cover more even of a space, but direct is bad because it'll blow the tissue off.

You should see my millipora, it's long polyps don't sway, they fly around like crazy. Kind of like if you had a flag outside your car going at like 70mph. The polyps flap and flicker everywhere like crazy. It's been that way for months, and it's lovin it =)
Did they say they were frags from ORA??? OR Frags of corals that are from ORA? The mounts are not ORA Mounts.
The Seriatapora is not the Hyacinth Seriatapora from ORA. It might be an ORA Pink Bidsnest but it just looks browned out right now.

The Acro I cannot recognize a an ORA Coral. It could be a valida.. I agree.
it might not have come directly from ora, perhaps it was an ORA piece that someone fragged from an existing colony. *Shrug*
Yeah I got em from a store. All of the frags had the same plug as the birdsnest except for the acro. Both are different color in my tank, somehow my camera can't capture the true colors and looks browned out.