Id please and new corals


New member
Got this soft coral yesterday from Lfs, said it will grow big, I'm assuming it's a Kenya finger coral but clarification would be fab.
Also picked up this awesome bubble coral and a nice duncan.

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The softy does look like a Kanya Tree. It will start to drop small branches that will then spread throughout your system. Not in my tank, tyvm!

The second one is kinda hard to figure out - if it's more expanded another picture would help. The 3rd one is a bubble coral. I think the are very pretty, but they can send out sweeper tentacles that will sting other nearby corals so proper placement is important.
The softy does look like a Kanya Tree. It will start to drop small branches that will then spread throughout your system. Not in my tank, tyvm!

The second one is kinda hard to figure out - if it's more expanded another picture would help. The 3rd one is a bubble coral. I think the are very pretty, but they can send out sweeper tentacles that will sting other nearby corals so proper placement is important.
Cheers mate, hoping the Kenya tree grows nicely, will keep eye out for baby trees though.

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Kenya trees get HUGE. We put 1 of them in a 90 gallon at work...1 became 4...and those 4 turned into massive trees that filled half the tank.
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Too much blue in pics to tell but the #2 looks a lot like my NPS Dendro when its retracted, if its yellow/Orange then that is what it is, or if it only expands after lights out. Need to see it with just white light on or expanded.