ID these mushrooms please(fish eaters????)


Active member

Can anybody id these mushrooms for me? These were hitchhickers and came with my live rock.

I'm kind of scared of having fish eating mushrooms because i'm about to add 2 very small B&W Ocellaris to the tank.

The biggest is a good 6 inches wide

Can you help me with this? Should i get rid of them?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11710931#post11710931 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ziggy222
their very dangerous,you should mail them to me lol

ROFL yeah you didn't read about that? oh and those ric's are insanely toxic, mail them to me so I can properly dispose of them, lmao
Your fish will be fine Chipie. Those are hairy mushrooms. Mushrooms are an anemone. Anemones and clowns go together. Your fish might host them. It will not eat your fish.

My brother's clown hosts his brown hairy mush. I have the same shrooms my clown does not host them. May or may not happen for you.