If you could build an 200+ all over again


New member
If you could build a 180 gallon plus 30 to 60 gallon sump, what would you pick?

Like so many others, I have burnt so much cash on junk, this time around, I'm considering building a 180+ with best value for the money equipment.

My Picks:
Tank Acrylic (Glass to heavy for me and my kids will 4sure pop-out a side) 72" Wide, by 24" tall, by 18-24 width
Myreefcreations MR2
Myreefcreation sump & Refugium
Iwaki pumps
GEO Reactor 818 or Myreefcreations Reactor CR2-Dual (Perhaps Deltec PF600S)
Single corner Durso overflow (Save on pump back energy costs with single)
Lights 250 Watt Ice Cap 10k
VHO Atinics
Tsunami Wave Maker with 3 Maxi's

What do you think?

What would you change?
definitely would go w/glass for a 180. i can't live w/scratches, but you're probably a lot more careful than i am.

skimmer, i'd go w/a needlewheel. mainly b/c of heat issues due to size of pump.

also for the width of the tank i'd go as wide as possible. 24-36"
I have that same set up and am probably going to ditch the MR-2 and keep the ASM G3. I would also rethink the water movement if I were you. MJ-anythings aren't going to move water in that tank. I can't speak to Seio's because I don't know much about them, but I can speak to Tunze Streams and believe they are the way to go. Heard some disturbing things about the new Vortech, but I am sure like any new release, they will work out the kinks. Everything looks good, but upgrade the wavemakers.
I agree with mr james, loose the maxi jets. I can speak for seio's, so I would tell you that if you have the money and can afford the tunze's then do that, if not then Seios will suffice, but they wont outperform the tunze.

when you list 250 MH, I hope you are talking about multiple lights, if not then I would seriously consider using t5 for lighting, first because they will give your very good light for growing just about anything. secondly there is very little heat transfer, so you may even be able to live without a chiller, and finally because if at some point you need to add more lighting, you can do so by adding more bulbs, with the additional cost being under $100 bucks for the additional bulb, ballast and reflector. something you cant do with MH.

Overflow, you listed 1 corner overflow, this I would definately change, if you only want to have one overflow, then you should locate that in the middle of the tank and oversize it. One corner overflow is not sufficient for this big of a tank.

I would add a closed loop system using maybe a sequence dart pump. having the returns of this loop affecting the flow of entire tank.

as far as your calcium reactor, if you are going to spend the money and get a deltec one, I would rethink that, and spend the additional money on a deltec skimmer. I wouldnt spend so much in the ca reactors, the extra expense for a deltec can not be chemically explained, as this is a simple reaction chamber that only requires to lower the ph in the chamber to cause ca2 to be released into the water column, so any decent reactor should suffice.

hope this helps
Gravity-fed needle wheel skimmer, say a Deltec ap851:) As for the reactor, if you want the Deltec, the pf501 will suffice and is a bit less expensive than the 600. I agree with the closed loop and Tunzes as well.
Thank you all very much for your input, I have been so frustrated with prior purchases based on advertising pitches and just plainly trying to get away on the cheap side and then regretting not spending a little more and getting so much better results on the equipment.

As for the acrylic manufacturer, should I be concerned with a maker? Was thinking ClearForLife or SeaClear 72ââ"šÂ¬Ã‚W x 24ââ"šÂ¬Ã‚H, however, it seems worth while to go for more room on the width at 24ââ"šÂ¬Ã‚W (was not sure on this, but the room for arrangements with the rocks and sand seems really nice). Would you go higher than 24ââ"šÂ¬Ã‚ height? My concern on the height is reach room for cleaning, however, 30ââ"šÂ¬Ã‚height does seem like to drastic a height.

Currently not familiar with Tunze equipment, can you please refer model numbers to the units you are referring to. Assuming the power heads or streams, are you also recommending Tunze circulating pump and controllers for the power heads? (As I have never built a 180 before, I did not realize Maxiââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢s would not make enough movement).

The consensus seems to pick Deltec for skimmer, and thus I will not skimp. As for the reactor my concerns are easy tuning, low maintenance and enough efficiency to handle this size tank with the flexibility to have high calcium demands if needed. If the Deltec is also highly recommended over the GEO or ASM G3 please let me know what you think (worth the extra money).

Did not realize one corner overflow was not enough for 180+. Currently creating new schematics for oversized center overflow or two corners.

The closed loop with Sequence Dart pump idea for water circulation sounds like the way to go, perhaps with two Sea Swirls as wavemakers. If I do not use the SeaSwirls then I will pick three Tunze streams with Tsunami controller.

Dart Pump


I like the idea of creating a slower water moving sump & refugium with the addition of the closed loop, thus I will downgrade the pump flow (researching for quiet pump now, any thoughts on this?).

So new setup follows (given my goals of quiet operation, long life span of equipment, and not regretting equipment selections one year from now):
ClearForLife or similar custom Acrylic (the scratch issues is something I have lived with for some time with my 60 gallon, but well worth the comfort to my wife with small kids in the house and Jedi swords swinging here and there).

Dual IceCap MH 10k (I just love the look of MH in water, plus I already have these two setups in a box waiting for installation)
VHO or T5 actinic

Closed loop with two SeaSwirls and Dart pump

Tunze Streams for water movement if needed with Tsunami (already have the Tsunami)

MyReefCreations Sump and Refugium or similar custom.

Deltec 851 Skimmer
http://www.deltecusa.us/proteinskimmers/ap851.php (Oh my gosh this one is expensive!)

Deltec Reactor 600 (I agree with you bnlimit10, however, after reading 10,000 posts on reefcentral, I feel scared reading so many complaints on calcium reactors, it seems like only 3 or 4 make the cut for large tank needs, and this equipment should last 10 years hopefully)

Does anyone have any recommendations for websites with preferred diagrams for drilling the closed loop with sump and refugium setup that would be most ideal? I am on information overflow with diagrams, Iââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢m not sure which plumbing route to pick (I figure I will have a single 1 Ã"šÃ‚½ inch intake for the closed loop pump inside the overflow midway down the tank and flow back will ultimately split into two outgoing seaswrils on each corner.

If using a single center overflow, I will use the durso with a 1ââ"šÂ¬Ã‚ bottom drilled hole.

I like this closed loop setup http://www.reefkeeping.com/issues/2002-10/totm/index.php

Did I miss anything?

Looks like $5-$6k rough estimate in costs.

Thank you so much, as I only have one shot at this equipment as it took 10 years to get my wife to agree to this.
also note:

Have no room for a fish equipment sump room. All quipment will be below the stand (no room to the right or left as well).
if you have no fish room then i suggest you forget the closed loop and just go w/tunzes. then you wont need Seaswirls either.
for the tunze's i'd go w/the 2-6100's and multicontroller(that's what i have, along w/2 6060's to clear under the rocks)

now you dont need the dart pump either. for the return pump i'd pump very little through the sump. I'm running a dart pump for my return and it's toooo much. i think you can get away w/one corner overflow w/1.5" drain and 1" return if you use a small return pump(like an eheim) you really dont need much flow goin through there.
I have a 180 that if I were not upgrading to a larger tank I would not touch a thing. Everything is working perfect.

Here is my equipment list.
Tank: 180g AGA
Skimmer: Barr Aquatic SK4200 Duel Beckett Skimmer
Skimmer pump: Using circulation Pump
Sump: Custom Sump from Barr Aquatic
Refugium: 55 gal. BB with Chaetomorpha macro algae
Return/circulation pump: Sequence 6000SEQ23
Circulation UPS: Tripplite APS512 Power Inverter/Charger 95AH Deep Cell Battery
Circulation: (2) 3/4 Sea Swirl
Circulation Powerheads: (1) Max-Jet 1200
Circulation Powerheads: (1) Tunze Turbelle Stream 6110
Circulation Powerheads: (1) Rio Seio 820
Circulation Powerheads: (1) Rio Seio 620
Lighting Ballast: (3) 250 watt IceCap electronic MH Ballast
Lighting Ballast: (1) Icecap 660 VHO Ballast
Lighting Bulb: (3) 140w URI Super Actinic
Lighting Bulb: (3) 10000K XM MH Lamps
Lighting Bulb: (2) 11w blue bulbs for moonlight
Refugium Lighting: Coralife Aquaspace 96 watt Power Compact
Moonlight simulator: Aquacontroller 3
Stand and Cap: DIY
Ca reactor: MTC ProCal
Ca Re-circulation Pump: Little Giant 2MDQX-SC
Reactor Media: Carabsea A.R.M.
CO2: 10 lb tank
CO2 Gage: M3 Deluxe gage
pH Controller for CO2: Micro pH Controller by Reef Fanatic
Nilsen Reactor: EcoTech Marine
RO/DI: AquaFX 4 Stage 75GPD RO/DI
Heater: 300w & 250w Won Titanium
Chiller: Aqua Logic 1/3HP Delta Star In-Line
Temperature Controller: Aquacontroller 3
pH Monitor: Aquacontroller 3
ORP Controller: Aquacontroller 3
Ozone Generator: Red Sea Aquazone Basic 200mg/hr with air dryer
Top-Off Float Switch: Lifereef Float switch
Top-Off Pump: Dolphin DP800 1400
Cleaning Magnet: Algae Free Hammerhead
Salinity Tester: Acquamarine Hand Refractometer
Since you want your equip. under the tank, make sure the size (height)
of the skimmer you pick out. I just ordered the H&S A200-1260, custom to fit under my stand was 29" will be around 26"-27" when finished. If you run MH you may need a chiller being in L.A. good luck w/ everything