Im confused on tank capacity. mine says 27g but measuring it says 34g so which is it


New member
So my hexagon tsnk says 27g on the door sticker.. perfecto manufaturing.. It measures 24 1.2 high. 21 length and 18 wide. Now if you look at the acrylic hexagon thst companies are making these days.. They say they are 34 gallons. And have identical measurements..

Sooo us my tank 27 or 34 gallons... Did perfecto use Uk gallons to measure there tanks vs US gallons.

Because 27 UK gallons equals 32.4 US gallons.. And i remember using 2 gallon buckets to measure my tabk empty and it came up to like 30-31 total gallons vs 27..

If this is true.. then how big are other tanks vs what they claim.. Like a 42g hexagon im looking at.. is it actually 42 us gallons or 42 UK gallons making it 50 US gallons... sorry im just confused
time to google and research calculating hexagon volume.

That doesnt work either. they have calculators for this and when you input the measurements it says my 27g hexagon is near 40 gallons and a 55g i looked at a few days ago is near 68 gallons.

Something isnt right, why would perfecto say my tank is 27g, but another company clear for life SAME EXACT measurements says there hex tank is 34 gallons.

You see what i mean ? Thats 7 gallons difference for a hexagon tank using the same exact measurements.. And glass thickness plays no roll here for 7 gallons as a glass hex is the same thickness as a acrylic one
Maybe one is calculating the total volume if you filled it up the rim where as the other is calculating the volume inside the tank with the overflow taken into consideration as well as glass thickness. Also keep in mind that total dimensions are outside dimension and the bottom of most glass tanks sit above the bottom edge of the frame so a couple gallons could be lost there as well.
Is there a model # by chance?
Try and email the manu, they should be able to give you a solid answer.
The perfecto just says 27g hexagon on the sticker in the door and im the original owner its like 17 years old now. I dont think they exist anymore

The other one is made by clear for life and i cant find any phone or email for them, they are on petsmart and other various websites and they have no 27g, just a 34 and 55 and 75 and 95, and i think a 20 or something. There is no overflow on the 34 or the 27g i have. But the measurements are 100% identical top to the bottom side to side.. Dont you guys think a 7 gallon difference is pretty big for smaller sized tanks like this ? I think clear for life is Tru Vue there tanks look the same

As i said when i filled my tank to the brim it took like 30 gallons.. But where is clear for life getting those 4 other gallons lol.... So i dunno who to trust.

Same for other size hexagons, you have 42 gallon hexagons, then 45 gallon hexagons.. there is no way one is 3 gallons more then the other one must be measuring to the brim and the other to the trim.. Its like some companies lie about the actual water amount you know ? That i understand but if i measured mine to yhr brim and it was 30 gallons, how can you get another 4 gallons in a acrylic tank with the same measurements lol uhg so confusing.

On a side note, do you think its worth driving an hour away for a 42/45 gallon hexagon to upgrade my 27g hex ? The outer diamter is basically 2 inches wider on each 6 point hex. So not much more room, but it isnt only 25$ with a stand and its glass not acrylic (hate acrylic) I just cant find any 55+ glass hexs