Im getting ready to set up a 200 g and i have many questions

Is your sump going to be located under the tank or is it going to be set up remote. Do you want to run a in sump return or a external return? I have an in sump return and its ok when I set up the new tank it will be external. The biggest thing on figuring a skimmer is how many pounds of rock are you going to have, sand on the bottom of the tank and what is your fish wish list. The more live rock you have the better your tank will process the poo your fish make. With a FOWLR I would go for a skimmer rated for around 300 gallon, your system is a little less but you want to be able to get the stuff out of the water so you dont run into chemistry problems as your fish grow. I dont know that I would spend the money on a controller if your setting up a FOWLR, maybe take that money and set up a auto top off system so you dont have to hump top off water. Also as mentioned above figure out a way to do water changes, I have a 2" drain line in my sump so all I have to do is pump in new water and the old stuff just overflows to the washing machine drain, makes life real nice when doing 40 gallon water changes. Good luck
i will start w about 100 pounds of live rock with sand. the sump will be located under the tank. my fish wish list is EVERYTHING!!!!! lol mostly tangs and angels... i am looking at the octopus extreme 200 for a skimmer.. also what kinda pump do i need how many gph? do i need a uv sterilizer??? as far as water chnges go ill figure something out im sure once its in place...
what do you think about these 2 models as far as a protein skimmer goes.. im looking to put a lot of fish in there.
Octopus Extreme 250
Super Reef Octopus Extreme xp2000
I would lean towards the xp2000. I'm not sure on your return pump, I have never had a FOWLR so I'm not sure on water turn over. A friend has the xp2000 on a mixed reef and it works great for him. Keep us updated.
Hello to New York!
Welcome to the 200 gallon club. I am not an expert, and if Im wrong, I am sure I will be corrected by others. Best advice so far that I saw for you was to read, read, read... Asking questions isnt a bad idea either.
5800 gallons an hour is way much.. At 200 gallons, thats turning the tank volume over 28 times an hour... whoa... how long would it take to fill your 55 gal sump at 5800 gallons an hour. I dont know what overflows you are using, but you better check the volume rating on those bad boys, or you might be in for a wet surprize! :-O If you are looking for flow, I would recomend (no expert, remember) that you get most of the flow from powerheads, such as the tunzies, vorteks, or perhapos the korillas. I use the korillas myself. Its been a while, but it seems the rule of thumb is like 5 to 15 times the tanks volume per hour. Mabie 20 if you absoloutly have to have the bigger dog on the block. The reason to take water to a sump is to increase the total water volume, and to do your "stuff" to it out of the display tank. as long as the flow will feed your skimmer and all the other goodies under your tank, thats all you need IMHO... If you absoloutly have to push 6000 galons of water through your tank per hour, I would suggest doing most of that with above mentioned powerheads.. Especially if you are considering a FOWLR. You would hate to pay the money for a pump only to find that it drills holes through your fish...
Think long term and buy good equipment, so you dont have to buy over again later if you deside to go in a different direction. Buying a tank is the cheapest part of a big tank setup. I have more money tied up in rock than I do the tank itself. My controller cost more than the tank itself, and my lights were more than the tank You can go simple or elaborate.
Start simple with an eye to expansion, Its insane what I have spent on my tank just to keep my rocks alive ;-) There are many good skimmers out there, just make sure to get one rated for over your tank AND sump size.
The auto top off is a good idia, but you will figgure that out yourself after lugging enough buckets around. A 200 gallon tank evaporates a LOT of water, and if you dont keep up with it regular. your fish will be walking on salt before you know it. I paid like 100 bucks for a level lock at bulk reef supply, and it was some of the best money I have spent in this hobby. ts hooked up to my RO system on a timer, an d it is only powered up for 15 minits, 3 times a day. Besides, it keeps the salinity steady, and that is only good for your fish. There are a lot of good setups for auto top off's, and many are less expensive than the one I have.
UV sterilizer?.... mabie later, mabie not
Chiller?... with no corrals right now, and assumong you arnt running MH lights, probably not, at least from your description. I have ran my 200 for years without a chiller. Sometimes during the hot part of summer, I have to keep the AC turned on in the house, but I run 2x400 MH lights with some vho's (getting rid of those this week for a 72" constilqation.. yay!!)

I forgot what elce I was going to say, perhaps a flashback going on here..
Enjoy you new big glass water holding box :-P

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thnk u for your input harley very descriptive and informative ok so im gonna get a smaller pump maybe something int the 4000 gph range as far as the auto top off please tell me more... im interested...also as far as skimmer goes then u should be looking for something that rated for a 600 g? being that tank is 210 and sump 55 and 30 on refugium.. thats 300 so i need for double right? and the pump rule a thumb is 20 times the gallon size right? or no? im expecting alot of fish in there so im expecting a heavy bio load
On my 200 I have 2 (1190 gal/hr) Mak IV's & 1 Iwaki 40. The Mak IV & Iwaki are returns & 1 Mak for the protein skimmer. Using 3 smaller pumps offers redundancy. If 1 pump fails, the tank does not. 2 mak 4's = max 2380 gal/hr. The other pump goes to the protein skimmer & back to the sump.

My 200 has been running for 20 yrs. this way.

Most of the water movement can be done with Tunze or Vortec pumps within the tank. Less electricity, noise, & better aimable currents. Vortec would be better with not using a chiller as the motor is not in the tank, but magnetically attached to the outside of the glass.

Why not make the sump into a refugium?

This is what you can do with just those 3 pumps.


Since I have a 200, most of your equipment would be similar to mine.

I have occupants:

1 Blue tang, about 12 yrs old. Bought at one inch long & is now 10+ "
1 Yellow tang 12 yrs old
1 Purple tank 12 yrs old
1 powder blue tang 8 yrs old
1 Marine betta 12 yrs old
3 Clowns 11 yrs old
1 Copperband 3.5 yrs old
What do u mean a straight refugium w no sump I was gonna try n squeeze maybe like a 30 high next to the 55 under the tank in the stand. What skimmer you recommend in 400$ range?
its starting to come together... at least the equipment is.... thanks guys.. i still need some more info on a skimmer do i need a skimmer for a 600g since im expecting a heavy bioload???
hows this skimmer? Reef Octopus Extreme 250 or 300
Protein Skimmer
by CoralVue*
thanks guys it looks like im going with high end stuff