I'm Moving, How long can Green Star Polyp be outside of water?


New member
Anyone know how long GSP can go without being submerged in water?

I'm moving and I'm not sure what to do about the green star polyps that I'm trying to grow on the back wall of the tank. Everything else I can put into no spill containers and transport but I don't want to remove the GSP's from the wall of the tank. It's only a 20 gallon red sea nano but I can't fill it up enough to cover them without.

I guess I could get a bigger container and place the tank in it on its back. Then fill it up just enough to submerge the GSP BUT i really wanted to keep the sand in the tank for transport at like a 1/4 full.
They usually will peel off pretty easy. Using a razor to scrape them would work too. And probably a couple hours outside wouldn't kill them, but I can't say for sure. Discosoma mushrooms can be out of water that long for sure.