I'm sold!


New member
I recently purchased a 9001 for my wife's 130D to replace the travesty of a skimmer that it came with and we both must say we're blown away at the new skimmer. In 35+ years of reef tanks I have never had a skimmer start to pull out waste in the first day let alone the first hour.

Today I purchased a 9015 skimmer and I'm wondering about the availability of a spare motor for it?
The motor from the 9016 would work, the old motor is no longer available. However, it is rare for these motors to need more than a new impeller assembly, they usually last 10-15 years at least unless they were really abused.
Thanks for the reply Roger. I'm going to be contacting you about some extra large skimmers, in the 2-3000 litre range soon. My old 2 metre Sanders air driven skimmers are showing their age, lol.